Chapter 1

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Kairi's POV: 

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Kairi's POV: 

Today was like every other day since I came back to the East Blue. I was on my way to my favourite restaurant, Baratie. It's not my favourite restaurant because of the food, to tell you the truth I have never even stepped inside it, but there is something about the place that always has me coming back. At first in was just the smell of the food. I learnt a lot about different foods and cultures on my travels and food was my favourite thing to learn about in different pods, that's what first pulled me to this place.

On my second visit here, which was also meant to be my last, I saw someone that changed my mind. He was wearing a chef's uniform and had come out onto the deck to have a cigarette. It was like he was the siren calling me in, not the other way around. Ever since that day I come back here just to catch a glimpse of him. It's not like I have anything better to do anyway.

Today was different though. Usually he would come out on the decking around 1pm for his lunch break and a smoke but he wasn't there and I know the Owner doesn't like him smoking inside as I have heard them arguing about it before. 

I came out of my hiding place, behind one of the docked ships, and swam around to the other side of the restaurant where there was a big fish mouth, which was where the bar is. I poked my head out of the water and leaned my back to the side of the boat, hoping to catch a glimpse of the blonde haired chef as he comes out of the ship but he never did. 

After a while I started to get a little bored just sitting here and doing nothing so I started to sing. It wasn't a siren song or anything, more humming to pass the time. What I didn't think about was the bar above me.

As I started to hum a song I thought I felt eyes on me but I ignored it thinking no one can see me without me seeing them but then I heard him. I knew what his voice sounded like, I had heard it so many times before.

"Hey, are you okay down there?!" He shouts down...I think he's shouting down to me.

I take a chance and look above me to see him leaning over the side of the boat and looking at my face. I freeze a little in shock, never expecting him actually talking to me.

"Miss?!" He calls back down, a beautiful bright smile on his face.

I get scared and just plop my head back under the water and swim off, not knowing how to deal with the interaction. It's been a while since I spoke with humans and it was weirder because it was like I couldn't even get the words out. That's never happened before...ever.

Sanji's POV:

Today was like any other day, cooking in Baratie, trying to get the old man to change his tune about what is served in this place but as always he refuses. After another argument with him I decide to head out to the bar for a smoke instead of where I usually go on the docks. 

I head out to the bar and walk to the edge of the boat just looking out at the horizon and the sea. It's been a while since I have been anywhere but here and as much as I want to leave to discover the sea and what else is out there, hopefully find the All Blue, I know that it's impossible. I don't want to leave the old man alone. He has saved my life and raised me after that and now it's my turn to repay him. 

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