Chapter 11

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

The five of them head out onto the deck and run up the stairs to the stern of the ship to see what was happening.

"Marines! We're under attack!" Nami shouts, seeing their ship sailing towards them.

"We just got the ship." Kairi grumbles under her breath, having hoped the new ship would have lasted a little longer before having to be damaged by battle.

Nami headed up to the helm to try and steer them out of the way or find a way to speed them up and get them all out of there. Luckily since the first hit the Marines hadn't managed to hit them again.

Luffy grabs the monocular and looks to the other ship to see who is firing at them all and is shocked at who he sees. "Grandpa?" Luffy questions when he sees the man standing beside Koby.

"Grandpa?" Everyone else repeats, shocked that the Marine firing at them was related to Luffy.

"Did you just call that guy Grandpa?" Zoro asks, walking up beside Luffy to see who he was referring to but he doesn't get an answer as Luffy was still in shock.

The Marines fire again but this time they get a little closer to them and everyone ducks away, worried it might hit. When they fire for a second time they all knew as it was flying towards them that it was gonna hit.

"Hit the deck!" Usopp warns and the ball hits the ship, damaging the rails and knocking Zoro and Luffy down.

"Everybody okay?" Luffy asks as he and Zoro stand up.

"I think so." Nami answers.

"I'm good, how about you guys?" Kairi asks about Zoro and Luffy as they were closer to the hit but instead Usopp replies.

"No. Not okay. Not even close to okay." He says.

"We're good, Kairi. Thanks for asking." Zoro answers.

Luffy runs over and looks out to the Marine ship. "Usopp fire back at them!" He shouts.

"Or how about we sail away as fast as we can?" Usopp suggests and Nami agrees a little, knowing they can't win this battle.

"Run from the Marines?" Luffy questions. "No. Never!" He says, knowing they can't show fear, they have to show that they are not afraid.

"Nami, trim the...the sail thing. Let's sink their ship." Luffy tells her and Usopp.

Together Luffy and Usopp try to figure out how to load the canon and fire back.

"We don't have time. They're stealing our wind. If they pull up alongside us, we're finished." Nami says.

"You're the navigator. Do something." Luffy says.

"Zoro, sheet in and hard to port!" Nami shouts and Zoro heads off to do as she says.

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