Chapter 10

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

I was back in the room I was staying in for the night, folding up the clothes Kaya said I could have but I didn't have anything to take them with me in. Like magic there was a knock on the door and Kaya came in with a bag in her hands.

"I thought you could use this. I thought it matched all the things you picked out so you might like it." She says, passing it to me.

"I love it, thank you Kaya." I say, giving her a hug. "And thank you for the clothes. I don't think Nami was happy with me borrowing hers." I say.

"If I may ask, why don't you have anything, unlike the others?" She asks me.

I walk over to her and take her hands and leading her over to my bed so we are both sat down. "I am going to tell you a secret but you can't tell anyone else." I say, making sure she knew how serious it is.

"Of course, what is it?" She asks.

"I'm a mermaid." I tell her, trusting her with my secret. I may never see her again and I know if anyone needs to believe in a little magic right now, it's Kaya.

"Really?" She says, with delightful surprise.

"Yeah, I was born in the sea and that's where I grew up. I found their ship floating in the sea and brought it to port and they got back on it. I didn't want to be naked so I took some of the only girls clothes I could find, which happened to be Nami's." I tell her.

"I've heard stories of mermaids but I never thought they were real." Kaya says in amazement.

"We don't usually reveal ourselves. We only usually talk to pirates, the good ones at least and we can always tell, they are kind to us. Fishermen, sailors and fishmen all hate us. It was the fishermen that killed my family, my entire pod. Those that survived escaped and I never saw them again." I tell her the real reason I was all alone in the sea.

"Thank you, for trusting me with this." She says, looking truly happy that she is the only person I have told so far.

"Of course. You are my friend." I tell her and give her a hug. "Take care of yourself."

"You too." She says.

"I promise to come and visit, with or without the rest of them. Mermaids can travel around the sea pretty quickly." I tell her.

"I would imagine so, it is a big area to cover." She says.

"Yes, it is. I've travelled all across the sea, met all the other pods and learnt a lot about mermaids that I didn't know before. I'm happy that I'm able to talk about this again. It's been so long." I say, thinking about the last pod I visited being the last time I spoke to someone about mermaid things.

"Is Luffy's crew the first one you have been apart of?" She asks.

"No, I used to live on a pirate ship when I was seven until I was eleven. I helped them and they helped me. They were the kindest pirates I had ever met, always so happy, and then I met Luffy who is just as kind as them. I hope that one day I will get to see them again but until then I have my new crew and they are just as chaotic but it's fun."

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