Chapter 13

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Sanji's POV:

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Sanji's POV:

I was in the kitchens like everyday trying to create something new to serve here. I am a little sick of cooking the same thing day in and day out. I want to make something new, something different but Zeff wants to stick to the same because that's what everyone likes. I just think it's time to have something new.

"Sanji." The familiar voice of the host calls out to me.

"What's happened?" I ask, knowing the only reason he would come back here for me is if something is happening out in the restaurant.

"The group you invited has arrived." He tells me but I have never invited anyone here. I don't know anyone outside of this restaurant but I decide not to question it. The fact that someone out there said that I invited them and knew my name tickled my interest. 

"Thank you, I'm very excited to see them again." I say to the host. He nods his head and leaves the kitchens to go back up to his desk. 

A lot of people come in here daily trying to get a table and can't but none of them have ever used this trick. I can't wait to meet them, whoever they are. They've intrigued me.

As I was thinking about all of this I was adding the final touches to my dish.

"Get a move on. You're slowing the line." Patty says as he sees I'm making something he hasn't seen before.

"Gotta wait for the sauce to cool." I say, focusing on my dish.

"I didn't see this on tonight's menu." Patty says.

"It's called imagination, Patty. I wouldn't expect you to understand," I tell him.

"You wanna take this outside?" Patty says.

"Are you asking me to dance? 'Cause I kind of had my eye on that blonde at table eight." I tell him, walking up to the front of the kitchens where Zeff is with my new dish in hand.

"What happened to your mermaid?" Patty asks, remembering a few days ago when I came in and asked about mermaids. I told him and Zeff about how I saw a beautiful girl in the water under the bar but sadly I haven't seen her since. 

"Who knows if what I saw was real." I tell him as I walk past.

"Oh, it was real. I've had a few people come in with the same description of a girl in the water as you had. I just thought they were crazy. She was real Sanji." Patty tells me but I don't want to get my hopes up.

As gorgeous as she was I might never see her again, at least in person. It's annoying because I can't stop thinking about her.

"Well, whatever the hell that is, boss man ain't gonna like it." Patty says when he sees the dish in my hands.

"Order up!" I shout to get Zeff's attention.

"Aye, aye, aye, aye." Zeff calls out to me as I start to walk off so I turn back around and face him. "What the hell is this?" He asks me.

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