Chapter 15

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

As it got later into the night more drinks were passed around and the rest of the group got a little tipsy. Usopp, however, had a lower tolerance than the other two so he got drunk a lot quicker. 

I decided not to drink as I know that I wouldn't be able to handle a lot of it. I have spent most of my life drinking water and I dread to think what I might do if I get drunk. 

The four of us were sat outside enjoying the fresh sea air. Nami was nursing her drink and staring into the glass like there was gold at the bottom of it. Zoro had gone through many drinks, so many that I lost count, but he is still as sober as the day he was born. Usopp however was now drinking from a massive bowl with four straws and he was downing the entire thing. I just sat there with my glass of water, happy that I won't be waking up with a headache tomorrow. That's what I've heard happens when you drink as my old crew told me it and I saw it whenever they drank. It didn't look fun.

"Pace yourself." Zoro tells Usopp as he watches him chug the entire bowl.

"I don't even think there's liquor in this. It tastes just like candy." Usopp says.

"Last time I said that, I woke up face down under a table." Zoro says before he turns his attention to Nami. "That glass have gold on the bottom or what?" He asks her.

"Hmm?" Nami says as she lifts her head up.

"You haven't stopped staring at it." Zoro says.

"You seriously don't think what Luffy did is messed up?" Nami asks.

"Yeah. He should've told us. But in case you didn't notice, we've been making enemies everywhere we go. Psycho clowns, killer butlers. What's a vice-admiral gonna do to us?" 

"No, you don't get it. I can't get caught. Not when I'm so close..." Nami says but then stops herself when she realises what she was about to say.

"You don't have to hide things from us. I told you about my past." I say to her, wanting her to feel comfortable enough to open up to us.

"I can't, not yet." She softly tells me, not wanting to hurt my feelings and that's okay. I don't want to push her if she isn't ready to talk about it.

"Uh, who's ready for another drink? My treat." Nami says, getting up from the table.

"My favourite kind of drink." Zoro says.

Nami heads up to the bar and I watch as she goes, feeling a little worried about her. She seems to be a bit more tense lately and I just want her to relax and have fun with her friends.

As I turn my head away from Nami I notice a certain blonde haired chef trying to get my attention. When I lock eyes with him he waves his hand, asking me to come over to him. Curious as to what he wants I get up from the table to head over to him.

"Where are you going?" Zoro asks me.

"Just gonna grab another water." I tell him, taking my glass with me but instead of going up to the bar I head over to the kitchens. 

I walk in there and see that it was only me and Sanji in there. Luffy must be cleaning all the table or something and the chefs must all be done for the day. 

"Hi." I say as I walk into the kitchens.

"Hi." He says back, not acting as confident and flirty as he did earlier.

"What's up?" I ask him, wanting to know why I was called back here.

"I just...Somethings been bugging me since I saw you sat out there in the restaurant. I knew I recognised you and then it clicked. A few days ago I was outside having a cigarette but instead of where I usually go I went out to the bar. As I looked over the edge I saw a girl in the water. A beautiful brunette just floating there and humming a song. I called out to her and she stopped her song so I called out again. She looked up at me and I had my breathe taken away, she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my life. Then something unexpected happened. She wasn't stuck in the water like I thought, she lives there. She dunked her head under water and swam away, I saw her tail in the water. I thought I was going crazy so I went and spoke to Zeff and Patty but they told me that other people have come in and said something about a mermaid being around here so I knew I wasn't crazy. After that I never saw her again...until today. You're my mermaid, aren't you?" He asks me and I am still a little in shock. He remembers everything from that day, from the moment we first met.

"Yeah..." I cautiously say, not knowing how this may go.

"How...How are you on land? Why did you always come here?" He asks me, walking closer to me.

"Mermaids can become human when they are on dry land but if any water gets on them they become a mermaid again and I always came here because of you..." I say, hoping that he won't think I'm weird or anything.

"Me?" He asks.

"Yeah. The first time I came here I was gonna leave after I had looked around but then you came outside and had your cigarette on the docks while talking with Patty and I thought you were fascinating and gorgeous." I tell him.

"No one's ever said that to me before." He tells me.

"That you're hot?" I ask, wondering how he had never heard that before.

"No." He chuckles. "I hear that quite a bit. No one's ever said I am fascinating." He tells me.

"But you are. You are an amazing chef, I know that because I've seen you after you're arguments with Zeff about the menu and I've heard the other chefs talking. You're also a fighter, which is really cool and you refuse to use your hands because you don't want them to get hurt so you can still cook so you specialised in learning to fight with your legs. I know you've known Zeff for a long time and you stay here because you feel you owe him a debt, I haven't figured out why yet. And as much as Zeff and you argue I know that he cares about you a lot and that he wants you to be the best person you can be." 

"You got all of that by watching me from the water?" He asks, taking another step closer to me.

"I'm very observant." 

"No one knows some of those things about me and you've managed to figure it out just by watching me, which is a little creepy, but endearing as well." He says.

"Thank you?" 

"I only think it's fair if I can learn some things about you since you know so much about me." He says, tucking my hair behind my ear causing me to turn a little red. 

"Why would you want to get to know me?" I ask him.

"Because unlike other girls, you take the time to get to know me without meeting me. The first time I saw you in that water all I wanted to do was jump in beside you so we could watch the ocean together. Something about you pulls me in and I don't know what it is but it's unlike anything I have ever felt before." He tells me.

"What do you want to know?" I ask, looking up at him through my lashes.

"Everything." He says with a large smile which causes me to smile as well.

I'm so happy that Nami convinced me to come in here otherwise I never would've spoken to Sanji and I would've always been thinking about what could've been. 

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