Chapter 26

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

When Nami saw the flames where her village is she sunk to her knees in tears, heartbroken that she couldn't save them. She pulled out her knife and stabbed at the tattoo that she was forced to have put on her arm at a young age, something that she has always hated as it seemed more like a branding. She didn't want to be affiliated with them anymore. She wanted to be free.

She managed to stab her arm a few times before her arm was grabbed from above, stopping her from carrying on.

It was Luffy and all her friends were there with him. 

"I told you to get the hell out of here." She says, still angry about everything that has transpired in the last few minutes.

"You did." He says, only letting go of her hand once she has dropped the knife.

"Then leave." She tells him. "You don't know anything about what's going on here." 

"I don't." He says, but he still doesn't move. He wants her to know that they are a crew and friends, and that means they stick together and help each other when they need it.

"Luffy...Help me." She says, knowing she can't do this alone anymore.

Luffy slowly lifts his arm up to his hat and takes it off his head, gently placing it on top of hers and pushing it down so it fit on her head. Letting her know that she will always be apart of the family and a part of the crew.

"Of course I will." He says, before walking away from her and over to the others.

"Of course I will." He mutters to himself. "Of course I will!" He then shouts, throwing his arms up in the air, happy that his crew is back together again.

Luffy walks back over to the others as they were standing a bit away from where Nami was, giving them some privacy as they knew Nami needs some support and having a bunch of people might have startled her.

Usopp was sat on the floor by the Tangerine Grove with his eyes closed and his legs and arms crossed, looking to be meditating. Zoro was sat on a barrel cleaning his sword but he put it back when he saw Luffy was walking back over. Sanji was standing the furthest away, smoking a cigarette to relieve a bit of the stress from the day, it had been a lot and he knew there was going to be a lot more coming. Kairi was sat by the Tangerine Grove just beside Usopp, eating a tangerine from the trees.

"Let's go." Luffy tells them.

" Luffy tells them

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