Chapter 9

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

"Now, now, Kaya, I know you're in here. Come out. There's no point in hiding who we are anymore." He says as he walks around the room looking for them. He glides his claws along a harp, creating a perfect horror movie noise.

"Isn't it exhausting putting on airs, pretending we're better than we are?!" He shouts, gradually get louder before stabbing a chair over and over until feathers come out as he thought she was hiding there.

"You've had every opportunity this world has to offer. What have you done with your life?" He shouts, knocking a bust off it's pedestal causing it to clatter to the floor.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing!" He shouts. "You are pathetic, spoiled, snivelling little brat!" He shouts, standing right beside their hiding spot and stabbing the top of the desk in, luckily missing all of them.

"Oh, come now, Kaya." Kuro says, having seen a cloth move and thought it was Kaya hiding under it but really it was Usopp. "Let's not make this more difficult than it need be, hmm?"

"Just consider this payback for all those years spent listening to your incessant whining." He says as he pulls a cloth off of something. "'Klahadore, the soup's too hot.' 'Bring my blanky, Klahadore.' 'Make my tea' 'Brush my hair'" He rants, and shatters a mirror. All the while Kaya is silently crying as she is hiding, upset that he always thought of her like this while she saw him as a friend.

"'Oh, Klahadore...I miss my mummy and my daddy.'" He says, standing in front of their painting  pretending to be upset like she was as she spoke to him about it. "When all I wanted to do was rip your tongue out!" He shouts, scratching their family painting.

Kaya went from being sad to being angry and vengeful. She lifted her hand up and felt on the desk and finally grabbed what she was looking for. Her fathers letter opener but she could use it as a knife.

Nami and Kairi look at her with wide eyes knowing that she is going to need more than that to defeat Kuro. She only has a knife while he has ten of them attached to his fingers.

"Where to look next?" He questions out loud. "Well, you always were Daddy's little girl, even if he didn't have enough time for you, hmm?"

"Don't" Nami whispers to her while Kairi is shaking her head at her.

"I'm stronger than you think." Kaya says.

The three girls look at each other and nod their heads. If they were going to defeat Kuro they were going to have to do it together. 

Nami and Kaya lifted up the cloth and headed out first while Kairi came out straight after. Nami and Kaya ran towards Kuro but were shocked when he moved quicker than them and got behind them and grabbed them around the neck, stopping them from moving.

Kairi stops in shock at what she had seen. She was not expecting this but she could defiantly use it to her advantage. 

Kuro throws Nami and Kaya away from him and turns straight to Kaya and puts one of his claws to her throat. Nami moves to help her friend but Kuro puts his other hand of claws in her face so she couldn't move any closer.

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