Chapter 28

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

Kuroobi runs to the pool and dives straight in, speed swimming over to us and flying out of the water, landing on top of Sanji, dragging him across the floor with him. 

I hold my hands up, stopping the spray of water from hitting me, not wanting to turn into a mermaid at the moment as it wasn't really the best time.

Zoro runs over to Sanji and tries to cut Kuroobi but is stopped when he puts his arm up, the sword not doing anything against his skin. Kuroobi then gets off Sanji and moves onto Zoro. 

While the two of them start to fight I run over to Sanji and help him off the floor. 

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says, brushing down his suit.

Knowing that he is okay I walk over to Zoro's sword and pick it up.

"Zoro!" I shout, he flicks his eyes over to me and sees me holding up his sword. He moves around and when he is in the right position I throw the sword over to him. He catches it perfectly and continues his fight with Kuroobi, using the sword to help deflect his attacks.

Sadly, Zoro wasn't able to deflect all of Kuroobi's attacks and ended up flying backwards towards the bar.

Sanji jumps back in and tries to kick Kuroobi but he moves out of the way of the attack. Sanji lands in front of Kuroobi and tries to roundhouse kick him but the attack is dodged. Kuroobi takes out Sanji's legs and punches him in the stomach, making him land next to Zoro by the bar.

Kuroobi then relaxes his posture, forgetting about me.

"You're no match for me. My kicks can break a ship's keel." Kuroobi says.

"That's nothing. You should have seen Zeff's kicks when he found an eggshell in the crème brulee." Sanji groans out.

"I get it. Zeff was mean to you. Boo-hoo." Zoro groans, holding his would and starting to stand up.

"Forgetting someone?" I say, walking further out.

"You're not worth my time, I can easily beat you." He says, making me angry.

I place my hands behind my back and move the water behind him, fashioning a giant water sword. I harden the water, making sure the sword will go through him and wait for the perfect moment.

"That's not fair, why would you say that?" I ask.

"You are too small and feeble. You are no challenge to me." He says.

I throw the sword and it lands in his back, making him kneel on the floor in pain.

"That's very rude." I say.

By the time I was done the boys had stood up and we're standing on either side of me. Kuroobi looks up at me through the pain and I could see the anger in his eyes. Powering through the pain he gets up and charges towards me, going to kick me back but Sanji pushes me out of the way and takes the hit, flying back across the floor.

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