Chapter 14

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

To the rest of the crew it seemed like the two of them were staring at each other for an eternity but it was Luffy who broke it, not noticing the tension between the two. He can be a bit oblivious to things like that. 

"How long will the food take to come?" He asks over a mouthful of bread.

"Um...Uh...With an order this large it may take around half an hour to 45 minutes." Sanji answers.

"Would you care for a glass of Umeshu?" Sanji says, his eyes turning back to Kairi but this time the two of them were talking.

"What is it?" She asks him, tilting her head in curiosity and he couldn't help but find it adorable.

"It's a plum wine. It has a very sweet taste. Y'know, something sweet for someone sweet." He says, making Kairi blush a little as he winks at her as well.

"Is there something in your eye?" Nami asks Sanji, getting protective over Kairi.

"Just blinded by a beauty." He says.

"Waiter, can I get a beer and something for my friends?" Zoro says.

"Two beers. I usually have three, but--" 

"And a milk." Luffy says, cutting off Usopp.

"Three beers and a milk. And, uh, for the ladies?" He asks.

"Can I try the Umeshu and have a water as well, please?" Kairi asks.

"Of course. Still, sparkling, mineral? With ice or without? Cubed or crushed?" Sanji asks.

"I didn't know there was so many options of water." Kairi mutters to herself but the whole table heard her and smiled a little. Only Nami really knows why she is a little clueless to a lot of the food and drink being offered but the others will find out soon, especially with what they witnessed back at Kaya's. Kairi is surprised Luffy hasn't mentioned it since but they have been a bit occupied. "Can I have still water with a bunch of crushed ice, please?" She asks.

"Of course, darling. And for the other madam?" He asks.

"Regular water in a regular glass. Thanks." Nami says and Sanji walks off back to the kitchens to give their order in.

"Ah!" Usopp says as they all turned to face Kairi.

"What?" Kairi asks, her voice going a little higher and her face a little pinker.

"Nothing...darling. Would the lady prefer her water in a crystal glass, or would a golden bowl be more the lady's style?" Zoro teased.

"Kairi's got a boyfriend." Usopp says and they all start chuckling.

"You guys are the worst ." Nami says with a smile as she sees how pink Kairi has gone. "Besides, that's the chef that Kairi says she knew. If you didn't notice." Nami teases her.

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