Chapter 18

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

We both walk over to him and Usopp comes up just in time as we all head off the ship in support of Zoro. All except Nami who is nowhere to be found. 

As we get off the ship we see Mihawk waiting at the entrance of Baratie.

"Monkey D. Luffy. I'm surprised the Marines would require my services for such a small package. Though I do like you're hat." Mihawk says.

"Enough." Zoro says, turning Mihawk's attention to him. "Let's begin."

Mihawk unclasps the cross from around his neck and takes the bottom of the cross off to reveal a tiny knife.

"What the hell is that? I'm here for a sword fight." Zoro says.

"I don't hunt rabbits with a cannon." Mihawk says, annoying Zoro a little.

"I'm no rabbit." Zoro says, drawing out two of his swords.

"That remains to be seen." Mihawk says, getting ready himself.

Zoro moves first and runs towards Mihawk. He uses both of his swords to try and disarm him but his two swords don't even move Mihawk's tiny knife.

Mihawk moves his knife and pushes Zoro away from him and freeing his knife from the two swords. Zoro places his two swords onto the ground to slow himself down as he gets closer to the edge of the dock.

Zoro runs over to Mihawk with more energy, angry that such a small weapon can try to take him down. He swings and swings at Mihawk but he dodges each one. I could see them say something to each other but they were talking too quietly for me to hear. Zoro's swords hit the knife again and he goes flying backwards, shocking the three of us.

"You're strong. But fighting isn't all about strength." Mihawk tells him.

"Stop talking and fight." Zoro says, getting back up off the floor and running at Mihawk again.

"You're like a little frog croaking in a well. Croak. Croak. Croak." Mihawk taunts as he deflects all of Zoro's hits.

They keep going back a forth with Zoro running at Mihawk but eventually being knocked back by his tiny knife

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They keep going back a forth with Zoro running at Mihawk but eventually being knocked back by his tiny knife.

When Zoro is knocked into the doors of Baratie I could see his mind working and then he ran at Mihawk again but there was something a little different about this one, like there was more meaning to it. Before he could even try to strike Mihawk stabbed him in the chest with his tiny knife. Even though it was small it seemed to do more damage than a sword.

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