Chapter 12

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

As we dock at Baratie I realise that I can't go in. Last time I was here he saw me in the water, he could have seen my tail. There is no way I can go in there now. What if I see him or he sees me? What if he talks to me or asks about my tail. How am I gonna answer that?

I follow the other four as we walk up the stairs to look over the railing at Baratie. Now it was time to decide what we do, are we gonna stay or are we gonna go?

3rd POV:

"Everyone's going to that fish ship." Zoro says as he leans his leg on the railing and looks over at the ship.

"That smell. This place is a restaurant." Nami says, knowing that somehow Kairi knew about this place if she knew it was a restaurant as well.

"Then I know what we're gonna do next." Luffy says.

"Disguise the ship so the Marines can't find us?" Nami suggests.

"Sail back to Syrup Village where it's safe?" Usopp suggests.

"You're only saying that because you want to see Kaya." Kairi says with a smile, finding it cute how in love he is with her.

"Maybe..." Usopp says, smiling just thinking about Kaya. 

"Nah." Luffy says, breaking Usopp out of his head. "Let's eat!" 

"That fish better have a bar." Zoro says.

"It's the fish head at the end." Kairi tells him.

"Cool." He says, heading off.

Usopp follows and leaves the two girls. Nami goes to walk off but realises Kairi is still staring at the ship. Nami knows that Kairi knows this place somehow and thinks that maybe it isn't filled with happy memories.

"You don't have to go in if you're not comfortable." Nami says, coming to stand beside Kairi.

"It's not that I'm not comfortable it's's a long story." Kairi says. 

"We have time." Nami says.

"The first time I came here was a few months back. I never went inside, I would just sit outside and watch everyone go in and out. As I was leaving I saw someone and he caught my eye. After that I came back almost everyday to catch a glimpse of him, I learnt his schedule, knew when he would come outside and figured out he was a chef, and a good one too. He'd always come up with these new and crazy recipes." Kairi says, a smile lighting up her face as she thinks of the blonde chef and Nami smiles at how happy Kairi looks. Nami can tell that even though she's never had a conversation with this guy she is smitten. 

"Before I found your ship I was here. It was a bit busier so I hid under the bar. I was expecting him to come out onto the dock like he always does but this time he seemed like he wanted a change and went out to the bar instead and I didn't know. He saw me there and called out to me but I couldn't talk to him because I wasn't expecting it, he spooked me. I ducked and hid and I think he saw something he shouldn't have and now I'm worried that if he sees me he will take me to the Marines to be experimented on or something and I don't want that I just-" Kairi says talking faster and faster towards the end. She is stopped when Nami takes her by the shoulders and pulls her to face her.

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