Chapter 25

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

Sanji looked through all the cupboards and the fridge to see what Nojiko had before he came up with something and started cooking. As he continued to cook the aroma floated around the small shack and it made all of our stomach's grumble in anticipation.

It wasn't until it was dark out that he finished his cooking and dished it up for everyone. We all sat around the table and dug into the dinner together, ready to talk about Nami.

Nojiko dug into her meal, loving the flavour and different food, something she isn't used to with how much the town has had to ration the food with Arlong around.

"Told you." Usopp says when he sees her digging in.

"You know this is the best thing I've eaten in my entire life." She tells us and I could tell that went straight to Sanji's head.

"Listen. There's plenty more where that came from, but...first, we really need to know about Nami." Sanji says.

"The truth is..." She starts and tells her all about her and Nami's life.

She tells us how a Marine found her and Nami in a battle field where the Marines were fighting pirates. The two of them were hiding under a carriage when she found them. She took them to Coco Village and they were raised there, as a family. One day Nami stole a book and Belle-Mere made her take it back to the Sheriff in the village. That was the day Arlong attacked. They ran back to the house but they didn't know they were being followed. Belle-mere had them hide under the house and tried to say that only she lived there and pay Arlong to leave them alone but it didn't work because he saw the dinner plates layed out. The two of them ran out of their hiding place wanting to protect their mum but Arlong still shot her in front of them and took the payment for the two of them before leaving them with their dead mum. The next day Nami went into the village to talk to Arlong and she never came back to the house.

Hearing what happened to their family made all of us a little upset. We all have our tragic backstories and childhoods in some way or another but watching your mum be shot just to protect you is probably one of the hardest out of all of us.

"Wait. Nami's working for the pirate that killed your mother?" Usopp questions, wanting to make sure he got it right and Nojiko just nodded her head.

Luffy stands up from his seat, a little dramatically, and he seemed like he was going to say something but instead he walks out of the house. I think hearing about Nami's past and the fact that she is now working with the man that killed her mother shook him a little, he expected it to be bad but not that bad.

To me it just seems like there is more reasoning behind what she is doing. Why else would she voluntarily work for the man that killed her mum?

Zoro gets up next, grabs his sword, and walks out after Luffy. He is the first mate and he knows his captain might need a little help to sort through his thoughts at the moment.

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