Chapter 30

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

Garp drops Luffy to the ground, takes a step back and starts to laugh himself.

The rest of us were confused as hell.

"Have it your way. Lower your weapons!" Garp shouts to the Marines as he walks back over. "What are you all standing around for? Arlong's pirates are still on the loose. Hunt them down and arrest them." He tells the cadets and they all follow the command, leaving Coco Village.

As the Marines start to leave Coco Village Nezumi walks over to Garp. "What about these Straw Hats?"

"What about them?" Garp asks.

"Arrest them too! They are the real criminals." He says but before he could try anything else Nami whacks him over the head with her bow staff, knocking him out. He is corrupt and only wants the money he'll get off the Arlong Pirates if they stick around.

Luffy walks back over to us all and Garp turns to face him, wanting to talk to him one last time.

"I knew I'd never be able to change your mind. You're stubborn. Just like me. But I know who you are, boy. I just needed to make sure you knew it too." Garp tells him.

"You were testing me? Couldn't you have gone a little bit easier?" Luffy asks.

"Where's the fun in that?" Garp jokes before walking over to Luffy and placing his hands on his shoulders. "You're on your own now." He tells him and starts to walk off but is stopped when Luffy speaks.

"No. I'm not. I have my friends." Luffy says with a smile and Garp walks off to help the Marines find the Arlong Pirates.

"We love you too, Luffy." I say, running over to him and giving him a hug. Soon after the others all join us and it turns into one big group hug, something Luffy has been wanting from the start.

Trying to get Zoro and Nami to join a hug is like pulling teeth, I think they only joined in because of the moment.


Sanji and I never did get to have that talk, all of us just wanting to get some sleep after everything that had happened. So we went back to Nojiko and Nami's childhood home and all slept there.

When morning came around Nojiko help Nami change her tattoo from something she was forced to get to something she'll love and not mind being permanently on her skin. I helped her figure out the design, it was really cool.

After the tattoo was done and we all had some breakfast we all had a little time to ourselves so me and Sanji set off to the Tangerine Grove for a little privacy so we could talk. Something we have been struggling to do because this crew seems to attract drama.

Sanji bought a basket with some snacks and I bought a blanket and we had a little picnic, not wanting it to feel too awkward.

"So..." I say, not knowing how to start the conversation after we had been sitting there for a bit just eating food in silence.

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