Chapter 4

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

Usopp led us away from the village and towards this giant mansion with the most beautiful gardens. My favourite thing is the bushes are cut into the shapes of animals, they look amazing. As I was looking at everything I overheard Nami say she was gonna rob the place, at least a little and I understand why but it also seems like she is more of a pirate than Luffy is. 

Usopp quickly moved us on from that area and lead us all closer to the mansion but he seemed to be taking us through the back. I was walking behind Luffy and ahead of Nami as Luffy started to talk to Usopp.

"So if you have an invitation, why are we going around the back way?" Luffy asks, saying what we are all thinking.

"Oh, I never use the front entrance. This is more of a VIP entrance reserved for special guests." Usopp tells us as we walk further into the beautiful gardens. 

I want to be distracted by all the beautifully cut bushes and wonderful flowers but as soon as I see the pond and see that we have to jump over it I know I have to be more careful so I can't be distracted. 

"This guy's full of shit." Zoro says, not believing a word Usopp says. I can understand why as it seems a bit fishy but he also doesn't seem like he would be stupid enough to break into this mansion.

"Yeah. But as long as he gets us inside the house, who cares?" Nami says.

"Maybe he is being genuine but he's just trying to escape the staff." I say.

"Why would he do that?" Zoro asks.

"I don't know. Ask him not me." I tell him as I carefully jump onto one of the lily pads behind Luffy.

"Oops. You know, there's actually a more exclusive entrance this way." Usopp says as soon as he catches sight of the staff proving my theory to be right.

Nami jumps onto my lily pad with me and we both watch as the male staff member moved closer and threw a knife in between Usopp's legs catching everyone's attention.

"The hell are you doing here, Usopp?" He says as he walks closer to us.

"Buchi, buddy, uh, Kaya's expecting me." Usopp says.

The green haired girl that was with Buchi moves closer and holds her mop like a weapon. Just seeing them react like that and want to fight makes me suspicious. Usually staff wouldn't be like this. I may not have been to a lot of mansions but even in the sea kingdom we have the rich and I have seen their houses and their staff are wonderfully kind and would never behave like this, even if there is an unwanted guest. Their behaviour immediately sets me on edge around them.

"Another one of your lies." Buchi says, grabbing Usopp and pulling him off the lily pad and onto the grass. "You ain't welcome here and you know it." He tells Usopp.

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