Chapter 3

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

When we got to Gecko Island the ship was mostly in the water but I manged to keep it off of me otherwise I would have turned into a mermaid and I don't want them to know about that yet. Nami managed to get the ship right up close to the docks and we all jumped off just as the boat sunk into the water taking everything that wasn't in our arms down with it. 

As soon as we were off the ship and it had sunk into the water Nami told Luffy and Zoro to make sure their was no evidence the ship in the water and she told me to come with her so we could find out where the ships are on this island. I was a little excited because we're the only girls and I want to get along with her, she seems like she can be really nice but she's just a little bit defensive, which I get.

"So...How did you end up with those two?" I ask her, trying to start a conversation as we are walking around the island.

"It wasn't intentional. I wanted the map to the Grand Line, so did Luffy. We bumped into each other in the Marine base and both went to get the map. Zoro joined in on fighting off the Marines because Luffy helped him and then we all came back to my ship and sailed away together because the Marines were after all of us." Nami tells me.

"Why stay together if the Marines are after all of you together?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I guess it would be smarter to separate, don't tell them I said this, but I kind of like their company. I've been alone for so long that I forgot what it was like to laugh properly. It's nice." She tells me with a soft smile. "What about you?" She asks me.

"What about me?" I repeat, not understanding what she is asking me.

"Why are you still here? Why did you agree to join Luffy's crew?" She asks me.

"I don't know. I've been on a pirate crew before and I had a bunch of fun but then some things happened and I had to leave. Since then I have been all alone and recently something happened that I don't really wanna talk about just yet so I have nothing going on and no plans for my future. I thought it might be fun to be apart of something again and Luffy seems really nice, I think he's gonna be an amazing captain." I tell her, opening up as well.

"I think so too." She tells me.

We talk a little bit more before we find the shipping yard. When we see it we are both in a little bit of shock at the amount of ships there. When we asked someone on the shipping yard about it they said that this island is well known for it's amazing ships so we definitely came to the right place.

After finding out all of this we head back to the front of the island, which is where we find Luffy and Zoro looking at wanted posters on the wall.

"Hey! You got us a ship?" Luffy asks as soon as we approach.

"Working on it. Did you push the sloop out to sea like I told you?" Nami asks them.

"Yeah. No Marines are gonna be following us here." Luffy says.

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