Chapter 22

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Kairi's POV:

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Kairi's POV:

I was downstairs in the ship picking out which room I thought would suit Sanji more. I found one that was a navy blue with black and it is very sophisticated and it made me think of Sanji. I put his bag down in the room and walked back out to find Sanji and tell him which room I had found when I saw him walking towards me.

I walked over to him and as we got closer I saw the tear tracks on his cheeks and I knew his goodbye with Zeff must have been rough. So instead of saying anything I just walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, as he is like a food taller than me.

He took a moment but then he wrapped his arms around me and tucked his face into my neck, letting out little sobs. I know he needed this, he just left the person that saved his life when he was little and practically raised him. It wasn't going to be easy. We stayed like that for a minute until he unwrapped his arms from me and lifted his head up so I took that as my que to do the same.

"Are you okay?" I gently ask.

"I will be with you around." He says, his cheeky smile lighting his features again.

"Come on, I found you the perfect room." I tell him, taking his hand and intertwining his fingers with mine.

We walked hand in hand to his new room and I couldn't help but love the feeling of the cold metal from his rings as they touched my hands and the tingle that sparked as our skin touched. There was something special about Sanji, something that pulled me to him but I just don't know what it is and honestly I don't care. He just makes me happy and that's why I like him...a lot.

"Ta-da!" I say as I open the door and raise my hand that isn't intertwined with his.

"Wow...this is perfect." Sanji says. "I was expecting something way worse or more badly decorated." He says.

"It's very sophisticated and it made me think of you, I wasn't sure what you'd think of the colour scheme though." I say.

"You did a really good job, it's perfect." He says, pulling me around the room with him as he looks, neither of us wanting to let go of each other.

"It boggles my mind sometimes with how well you know me and how quickly I've gotten to know you." Sanji says, turning to face me after he finished looking around the room.

"Maybe we've just found our person." I say.

"Maybe." He says, leaning in a little and I start to lean up closer to him. Just as we were about to kiss someone burst through the door.

"Sanji!" They shout, causing the two of us to jump apart and I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Not only were we about to kiss but now I'm missing the comfort and warmth from holding Sanji's hand.

"Oh, hey Kairi, I didn't know you were in here." Luffy says, not catching onto what was just about to happen and what he interrupted.

"Yeah, I'm helping Sanji pick out a room." I say.

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