Chapter 8

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

While in the cupboard Nami learned that they had in fact poisoned Kaya and the staff were actually all pirates. They clearly wanted something from Kaya and they had been playing the long game to get it. She also heard that they had thrown Zoro into the well that they walked passed as they came in, and they were going to throw Luffy down there too. She was starting to get worried as she was the only one that knew this was happening. 

She needed to get to Kaya and Kairi as quick as she can. They need to get out of this house.

Nami waited in the cupboard for the perfect moment to come out. She knew she couldn't do it while all three were in the kitchen so she waited until they left and the only one in there was Sham. While she was putting a pot back on the oven Nami grabbed a frying pan and crept out of the cupboard. She waited until Sham looked at her and than whacked her around the face, knocking her out cold.

Nami ran out of the kitchen and straight to Kairi's room to wake her up. When she got into the room she saw that Kairi was already awake and looking at the windows that were now covered by metal shutters.

"What the hell is going on?" Kairi asked her.

"The staff are all pirates and their trying to kill Kaya. They've trapped Zoro and Luffy down the well and I have no idea about Usopp but we have to get Kaya out of here." Nami rushed out, not knowing that Luffy had actually been passed over to the Marines.

"Let's go." Kairi says, putting her comfy boots on and running after Nami towards Kaya's room.

When the two of them got to Kaya's room they both tried to get in but the door was locked. The two of them worked together and hit the doors together and managed to get them open. They were more than relieved to see their new friend was okay and Usopp was with her so she was safe.

"Thank God you're still alive." Nami says as soon as she sees Kaya.

"Are you okay?" Kairi asks her, walking over to her.

"Yes. Why wouldn't we be alive?" Kaya asks Nami and answers Kairi. 

"Because there are pirates in the house." Kairi says.

"And they are trying to kill you. They've been poisoning you." 

"Poison? What are you talking about?" Kaya says, not able to get her head around it.

"I overheard them in the kitchen. It's been going on for years." Nami tells her.

"Did Usopp put you up to this?" Kaya asks us.

"I didn't even know." Usopp says, referring to the poison. "I gave you that tea." 

"Think about it, Kaya. When did you start getting sick? Was it around the time Kuro started working here?" Nami asks.

Kaya goes silent as she thinks about it and that was when she realised they were all telling the truth and this was really happening.

"Listen to me. If we stay here, we die. We have to leave now." Nami says.

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