(a.n & characters)

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Hi reader, hope you're well. This story is not a romance, it is a relationship of dependency and abuse. The love they have between them is formed from trauma and a need for control over the other. I tried my best to show the ugly side of their world and how a person like Carmilla (antagonist) isn't someone that deserves Jane's (protagonist) love and loyalty. I loved writing their story and to watch it unfold into a domino effect of actions leading to consequences. I tried my best to show the realistic side of two people meeting like this, and how they would actually behave in the situation that they have found themselves in.
I hope you enjoy this book, feel free to let me know what you think.
Read with caution since this book contains a lot of graphic content some people might find hard to read.
It contains sexual scenes, abuse, manipulation, and torture.

If you're still reading and I haven't turned you off from reading it, grab your popcorn and good luck, coz this is a rollercoaster.


"That's my girl, always so easy to listen, hm?" I mumble into her neck, moving my other finger to her clit, watching her unfold so easily. Her moans are my favorite song, desperate little whimpers falling through as she tries to hold herself up. "Struggling princess?" I taunt.

"Mhm- need to.. Please" she blabbers, drunk under her own pleasure.

"Should have put panties on if you wanted to get passed me without fucking you, what did you expect?" I ask, a slight tune in my tone as her moans heighten, forcing me to speed up, needing her legs to give in. "Admit you're my slut" I whisper.

She lets out a little hum, her grip tightening as she whines, unwilling to give in to my demand. Grabbing hold of the back of her neck, I pulled her face back for her to look at me, raising my brow to get her to obey. Her eyes shut tightly in embarrassment as she is forced to look at me. "Look at me when you say it" I assert, watching her mouth open as my grip tightens around the back of her neck.

"I'm your slut" she blurts out in a moan, her legs closing around my hand as she comes closer to her orgasm, her eyes tearing up. "F- fuck, I'm gonna cum" she whimpers out, knowing she needs my permission.

"Why should I let you cum? Do you think you deserve it? I don't think you do, not when you dress like this" I tease, watching a little tear creep through her shut eyes.

"Please- ah" she begs, her body tense as she tries to obey. "Please, I've been good" she mumbles desperately, knowing that will get me to agree.

"I don't think you have, dressing like this when anyone could see your pussy, your hair all tied up while your boobs are so- fuck" I catch my breath, needing to take in the view before me.


Again please don't read this if you're under 18, hope you guys enjoy this story. Let me know if you spot any mistakes so I can correct them.

love you


Carmilla Lambert

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Carmilla Lambert

31 years old

head of the mafia

kills: 72

Jane Lawson

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Jane Lawson

21 years old

college student

kills: loading...

Genevieve Lambert

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Genevieve Lambert

28 years old

mafia associate

kills : 39

Cole Adam

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Cole Adam

28 years old

mafia associate

kills : 27

A.N hope you guys enjoy the story. please please vote!


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