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Jane pov

A warm hand is felt on me as I open my eyes slowly, the harsh room light proving it a difficult task. In shock, I jumped up and crawled to the other side of the bed in a hurry. "Don't touch me!" I scream out in defense as the woman puts her arms up in surrender, her body retreated in assurance.

"I'm just trying to bandage you up Jane, I'm not going to hurt you" she comforts gently, sincerity in her eyes. "My name is Genevieve, I'm just here to make sure that you're taken care of. You're bleeding a lot and I need to make that stop, can you trust me?" Genevieve asks gently. I looked down at my legs and let out a little cry, realizing everything that happened wasn't a bad dream after all. My silence seemed to portray submission as the woman slowly approached me with a kind smile. "This won't hurt I promise you" she pledged, a soothing tone in her voice.

Tears welling up, I let Genevieve touch my leg to cover up the last letter. "Why is she doing this?" I sob silently, my mind half focused on the burning sensations traveling all across my body. "What did I do to her?" I repeat as she looks down at me with a saddened smile on her face, a helpless plea for her forgiveness on Carmilla's behalf.

"You didn't do anything, Carmilla needs to do these things or everything else will fall." she explains hesitantly, her words a clear mirror of endless lectures and debates. "It's better for you to not to ask too many questions, the less you know the better, okay?" she concludes with a gentle smile as silence hits the room before she finishes up. Genevieve gets up and heads towards the door creaking it open to leave before I speak up.

"Can you help me get out?" I blurted out loud enough for my words to slip into the corridor. She stops in her tracks as a shadow appears on the other side of the door, a taller, more threatening shadow. The color in my face gets tainted into a pearly white, revealing Carmilla herself.

"What are we talking about?" Carmilla asks with a playful smirk on her face as she pushes past her sister. My heart doesn't dare to beat, the letters of my words now whisked away due to the stark silence around everyone. "Why is all quiet now? The conversation you were having seemed so interesting, so please, elaborate "Carmilla alluded as Genevieve places her hand on her pistol in caution. "Oh don't get so dramatic Gen, you're not the one I'm going to hurt" Carmilla cooes, with every step the latter takes, the less I can breathe, my lungs closing in on themselves. "What's the matter Jane? Cat got your tongue?" she mocks.

"Just stop it now please, she's scared enough" Genevieve interrupts the layer of tension in the room, her words pulling Carmilla's attention away for a brisk moment. Carmilla steps towards Genevieve, her gun swaying in its holster.

"Was I speaking to you?" Carmilla asks calmly. Silence fills the room once again, the clock ticking taking up all the noise in the room. A moment passes as Carmilla waits for a response before Genevieve turns her back and heads out of the room in defeat, leaving me alone in the room.

"I had a plan for tonight but I think we'll have to change that now, won't we?" Carmilla speaks up in ponder as she turns back around to face me. I dare not utter a word as she sits down on the bed next to me, her warm scent of tobacco and amber lingering over her black shirt. "Where did all the bravery go?" she taunts "hmm?" she hums as she taps my lap.

"Please don't kill me '' I utter in desperation as her fingers trail up my leg.

Her brow raises with an expression I've never seen before. "Oh, I have a much better idea than that"

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