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"It's a bit early for hugs, don't you think?" I scoff, putting my arm out. Hesitantly, he shakes my hand. His hand sweaty, I held a weary glare as I let go of his hand slowly, thriving off his discomfort of no longer being in his territory, now being surrounded by security that were ready to take him out by a raise of my brow. "Coffee?" I offer, a fake smile plastered to my face.

"I'd love coffee, but I'd prefer whatever you've drunk tonight." He replies in a snide, relishing in irritating me, his eyes always hiding something dark.

"Does my mom know you're here?" I dig, suspicion in my tone as I walk Christian, my step-father to my office. Opening the door, I wait for him to enter first, gently shutting the door behind me as he walks inside.

Christians swallows down as he settles down on the brown sofa. "Your mother doesn't need to know everything" he states, clearing his throat.

"She does if it involves you seeing, what does she call me again? oh yeah" I chuckle sarcastically, and continue. "Her demon child" I mock. The mood quickly changing into an uncomfortable stillness as he adjusts in his seat.

"Like I've said, she doesn't need to know everything." he repeats, his tone scolding as if he was trying to intimidate me. Cute. I suppress a grin as I pass him a glass of whiskey. "But.. I didn't come here to talk about your mother." his voice softens. "I need a favor". Of course he does. He always does.

"How much?" I speak up as I pull a cigarette out of my box before lighting it aflame. I know he needs my money. The question is, how much is it going to be this time?

"What?" he asks.

"How much money do you need? You're not here to have an early family breakfast" I retort, waiting for the greedy pig in front of me to give me a number.

His chest lifts as he takes a deep breath, and it drops as he starts to speak. "9 million" he blurts out.

My eyes widen as a hysterical laugh overtakes me, in disbelief at his ridiculous request as I get up. "You must be joking" I insist. But I know he isn't. I exhale harshly as the tobacco hits my nostrils, needing a little nicotine to handle a situation like this. "Why should I give it to you?"I interrogate. "I know we're civil now but that's a lot of money, Christian" I explain as if I'm talking to a toddler. He didn't seem to appreciate my tone.

"I need it for a construction project" he tries to justify. I tilt my head with a furrow in my brow. I don't believe him.

"What are you building? A castle?" I ridicule, grabbing myself another glass from the bottle resting on my desk, the accessibility proving useful. Seeing him here has sobered me up so alcohol is the only thing that can keep me from dealing with this right now. He lets out a sigh of frustration at my sarcastic comments.

"I'm investing in a building, okay? I will give it back to you. It's going to have a 50 million turnover!" Christian reasons. This man is either extremely naïve or is just flat out an imbecile, probably both. How did he survive this long?. "Plus, I'll give you interest," he tries to ration. "I'll give you back 10 million" he suggests with a smile on his face.

I nod and chug my drink down my throat. "Okay Christian, and will you give that money back along with the other amounts you still owe me?" I ask with a sneer. It seems to always be the same scenario with him, asking for money, then ignoring me, only to make peace to come and ask for more. He knew I would give it to him, even if I knew I shouldn't. I can't help but want to see how far he goes before I finally have the right to take him and my mother out, once and for all. Besides, all these construction buildings will fall into my palms as he blissfully spends it, unaware that I'm already getting all his work transferred to me.

He shuffles in his seat. "I told you I'm working on that, but things take time, you know? You have to be patient" he lectures. Patience. If only I had that. My head looks up at the ceiling. I'm getting tired of this conversation. 'God, give me strength' I pray to myself.

Mastering all my patience, I lower my head to face him, needing this encounter to be completed. "Okay, this is how it's going to work. I'll give you the money. But you have 10 days. My patience has run out, and if I don't have it by then-"I stood up, "I'll deliver mom's head to you." I state. A smirk appears on my face, knowing how much he adores that whore. "Do we have a deal, Christian?" I ask.

His pupils shrinking as he looks at me in despair, he ponders for a moment before he gets up to my eye level. To my surprise he puts his hand out to shake it. "Deal."

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