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3rd person p.o.v.

Jane looks up at her captor as she admires her doomed expression, analyzing each wrinkle between her fear stricken brows. "Please dont hurt me" she begs. Camilla cups her cheeks, wiping her tears away and places a soft kiss on her hostage's forehead.

"I'm sorry, but I have to" Carmilla comforts gently. Carmilla missed the expression of near death fear, knowing this is their last moments on earth, but for some reason, Jane's expression didn't satisfy her to the extent it usually does. Jane sobs in Carmilla's hands, having absolutely no idea what she could say to make her stop. " I need to mark you" the latter whispers into her ear. Confused, Jane pulls her face back from Carmilla, feeling uncomfortable being so close to her captor, and most of all taken aback by her statement.

"What do you mean?" Jane asks, dread overtaking her. Carmilla looks at her with a mocking sense of pity in her eyes - almost genuine, almost - before walking over to the table to browse at the contents in front of her.

"You probably wouldn't know, I mean, how would you? but..." she pauses and turns to face Jane with a small knife in her grasp. "In case you ever get out or if they find your body, then they'll need to know who you belong to, won't they?" Carmilla states as she pulls the chair towards her with her foot, metal scraping in a screech. "Don't worry, baby. This will only hurt for a bit. Once we're done, you can go to sleep" she reassures, a tender tone to her voice.

'This will only hurt for a bit?!' Jane thinks to herself, terrified of what's to come she tries to squeal away before Carmilla grips onto her legs. "The less you move, the less it'll hurt." Carmilla added. After battling with her mind and survival instinct, Jane admits defeat and stops shuffling around, hoping she's telling the truth.

Carmilla pulls the knife cover off with her mouth revealing the sharp blade. She lifts Jane's skirt, looking at her legs, Carmilla gently puts her hand onto her thigh, making Jane flinch at the slightest touch. She lifts her hand up and approaches her thigh with the blade as Jane whimpers in the background. "No, no, stop- ah, please it hurts! Please! "Jane screams out in pain as Carmilla pierces a C onto her thigh.

"It's only the first letter my love, quiet down you'll scare the others" Carmilla orders as she starts carving the letter A into the helpless Jane. the young woman continues to scream in agony, making Carmilla put her hand over Jane's mouth to try and muffle the screams.


"Wow, my name looks so pretty on your skin" Carmilla murmurs, admiring her name written on Jane's thigh. Looking up at Jane she wipes her tears away, replacing her cheeks with jane's own blood.

Jane closes her eyes, her baby hairs stuck to her forehead from sweat, her throat sore from the abuse to her windpipes. She breathes heavily, not being able to cry anymore tears, her tear ducts dry from exhaustion. "Please, no more" she pleads in between whispered breaths. "I just want to sleep" Jane mumbles as her head falls back in faintness. A sudden sharp pain of the blade scraping hits her chest as Carmilla begins to resume her marking. "No, stop! please! Carmilla!" she weeps out as her head falls forward in adrenaline. It stopped. Carmilla removes the blade from her skin as they meet each other's eyes, taken aback by her sudden urge to oblige. Carmilla gets lost for a moment, taking in Jane's features, confused why the mention of her name froze her into submission.

"I like when you say my name," she professed, putting the blade away. "Say it again." she orders with a more stern tone in her voice, needing to feel what she's just felt.

"W-what?" Jane stammers out in confusion, unable to process the constant change of emotions.

"Say it again, i wanna hear it again" she repeated.

"Carmilla, please let me sleep '' Jane whispers out, confused but happy by what just happened, she gives her captor a weak smile, hoping that will seal the deal.

Carmilla felt a strange tingle form in her gut at the latters words before she walks over to the back of the chair and unchains Jane in silence, brushing off the nerves swirling around. A sudden guilt is felt in Carmilla's chest as Jane falls forward once she is free. Carmilla rapidly jolts forward before Jane has the chance to fall to the ground, gently wrapping her into her arms. She knew Jane was weak, but she didn't realize she took it too far, causing Jane to faint from exhaustion and blood loss. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Carmilla secures her against her chest before walking her out of the bunker and heading up the stairs.

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