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"Why would you use Alejandro? now he'll be scared of you for life," Genevieve asks. "And he's a kid for god's sake. Are you insane?" She pokes.

"I had to, okay? Besides, I got the house back, right? And he isn't dead. He's completely fine. That sounds like a win to me," Carmilla rebukes. "Now, pass me the tomatoes" she says as she looks over to her sister.

"I didn't know you guys had another sibling, how old is he?" Jane speaks up, her eyes glancing at the group eating together.

"He's their step brother, he's thirteen," Cole answers in Carmilla's stead before shoving a bread roll into his mouth. Jane looks at Carmilla, her face displaying disappointment.

An unpleasant quiet follows Cole's words. Genevieve glances over at Cole with an angry expression, her eyes communicating with him. Jane fiddles with the lonely baby carrot in her plate, making it go back and forth. Cole looks back at his girlfriend, his brows raised, confused by what he did wrong. Carmilla taps her finger on the wooden table, embarrassed. "Have I done something wrong, Gen?" she asks, her tone insincere. Of course she hasn't, she never does.

"No..." her sister replies, but anyone could tell that it was the contrary to how she felt.

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that," Carmilla urges, losing her patience once again. "You should've seen how they treated him. Especially Mom. God, it makes me sick. I'm -- we're her children too," she adds, her voice raising with each word.

"We haven't been for a long time," Genevieve mumbles, loud enough for the others to hear.

Taken aback, Carmilla glares at her sister, in disbelief that she would say that. "And is that my fault?" she questions, although the question seems rhetorical.

"No, of course not, Carmilla, '' Genevieve defends. Carmilla's eyes squint, trying to figure out if her answer was what she really believed, if Genevieve was lying to keep the 'peace' or not.

"I think you do. You think it's my fault that мама doesn't talk to us," she disputes.

"No I don't, Carmilla, but-" Genevieve's sentence is cut short.

"But?" Carmilla questions, curious as to what her sister has to say as to why their mother doesn't love them anymore.

"-but," she persists. "If you didn't always bring your girlfriends home when you knew how mom was, maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't have kicked you out," Genevieve snaps. All eyes fall to witness Carmilla's reaction, the room no longer feeling so warm, silence falling as Jane glances over to Carmilla, catching the little tense in her jaw.

Carmilla nods in silence, processing her sister's outrageous conclusion. "Okay" she simply says. Before all this, she was convinced that her sister wouldn't blame her mother's hate on Carmilla. Now she realized how stupid that was. It was naïve to think that she wouldn't be blamed.

A lumbersome, thick cloud forms around the group, everyone processing Carmilla's silent reaction. This is new. It's uncomfortable because arguments always end in violence with Carmilla, but this time she has nothing to say. "Guys, let's not argue. Jane spent a long time cooking us this dinner," Cole speaks up, hoping to evaporate this silent tension. Jane lets out an uncomfortable smile at Cole. He's trying.

Genevieve takes a deep breath, realizing she took it too far. "You're right, Cole. I'm sorry, Carmilla. I didn't mean it, I'm just frustrated, it's been a long day," Genevieve apologizes. "And thank you, Jane, it's lovely" she turns to Jane with an apologetic smile.

Carmilla lets out a dry chuckle at her sister's bullshit apology. She doesn't believe a single part of it. "Oh, you meant it" she confirms in a murmur, her voice laced in betrayal as she scoops up the sauce with her slice of bread.

Jane places her hand over Carmilla's in an attempt to calm her. "Let it go" she mouths to Carmilla. Carmilla smiles weakly, knowing Jane is right, even if all she wanted to do was throw something She didn't like getting angry in front of her, not when she sees the fear in Jane's eyes.

"I appreciate your apology, Genevieve" she tries again, knowing that if she went on, it would end up in them not talking for a while as it usually did, and Carmilla doesn't want that right now. They're finally getting along. No more hiding away, no more hating her for something she never did, everything is out in the open now. And the mood around them became peaceful.

Genevieve smiles gently at her sister's words, part of her still blaming her. But she had to take Carmilla's side, especially considering how much she went through. "Besides, your mom was a homophobic bitch. Who cares what she thinks?" Cole spits outs as he wipes the sauce around his mouth.

"Cole!" Jane scolds, smacking his arm. He flaunts an unapologetic shrug in response. Carmilla and Genevieve burst into laughter at Jane's reaction. "Wait, are we agreeing with him?" Jane questions, baffled at the girl's reaction.

"Yes, we agree with him" Genevieve states with a wide smile.

"Oh, wait. How did you get them to talk about the house?" Jane inquires once the laughter has decreased.

Carmilla smirks playfully, "I told them Cole proposed," she admits.

"What? And it worked?" Genevieve scoffs out in disbelief.

"Of course it worked, we don't see them often enough to make an official announcement. Besides, it's about time he did anyway." Carmilla explains, digging at Cole. Cole's top lip lifts up with an attitude, rolling his eyes at his future sister in-law.

"I agree" Genevieve teases the flustered Cole.

"So do I" Jane joins in, a plotting grin across her face.

"All of you, be quiet. It will happen when it happens" he orders, making Jane and Genevieve giggle at his attempts of intimidation. "I'm not going to rush proposing to the women I can't live without, it needs to be perfect. Just like her" he compliments as he admires her.

Genevieve's cheeks redden as her eyes glisten at his flattering remarks. "I know, baby. We were just messing with you" she clarifies. "I love you" she finishes.

Carmilla glances at Jane's admiration of the couple. If only she could tell her those words, the words almost slipping from her own lips. What would that mean? Butterflies immigrate her stomach at those thoughts. Does she love her?

Jane turns to see Carmilla staring at her. Her eyes displayed so many unspoken words. The sound of the voices surrounding them slowly fade away as their eyes connect. There's no going back now. Carmilla is her hostage now, Jane will never leave her heart. For eyes merely being pupils and corneas, they tell so much. They hold pain, laughter, love, grief, anger and longing. Longing for each other. For touch, intimacy.

Carmilla's eyes long for Jane's love. All she wants is Jane. All she'll ever want is her.

"We're gonna head upstairs" Genevieve voices, snapping Carmilla out of her dreams. Jane smirks at Genevieve, knowing they're going to have a long night. "Thanks again for dinner, Jane," Genevieve says as she gently caresses her shoulder before grabbing onto Cole's arm. "Let's go," she whispers to him.

"Would you like to go upstairs as well?" Carmilla suggests, a smirk hiding in her lips.

"I would love that," Jane responds, a little giggle escaping as she gets picked up by Carmilla. 

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