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"Stop!!! I can't breathe!" I shout out between laughter, my eyes tightly knitted in an attempt to catch my breath. "George! I'm gonna pass out!" I shriek, my lungs desperately grasping onto the breaks of air I got in between tickles.

"Okay fine I'll stop" he surrenders, laughing with tears glossing over his green eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, but seeing you struggle was kinda funny" he giggles before sitting back down on the floor next to me, his feet crossing as he watches me recompose myself.

"Torturing me is funny to you?!" I shout, smacking his arm playfully. There was always this tension neither of us could explain, it felt forbidden to bring it up though, both of us afraid of ruining something over unrequited feelings. I always feared it wouldn't be reciprocated, even if his eyes would gaze at me for hours, I would always mount it to something innocent, my mind was merely playing tricks on me. "Seriously though we have to finish this paper, or Mr. coffee breath will tie us up and use us as coffee grinders" I jest, thinking about our English professor and his love for coffee.

Yawns attack us both as we struggle to finish the essay that's due in the morning, our eyes begging to glance at something other than endless scribble. "Who cares about what happened in France 200 years ago?" he moans, shoving his face in the research book, groaning as he brushes his fingers into his silky brown hair.

I scoff at his tantrum, "I didn't pick this topic, you did weirdo! " I chastised with a fed up expression, I took a deep breath before speaking up once more. "We can do this, we only have 400 words left" I assure as I place my palm over his shoulders, tapping him gently as I lean in to rest my forehead on his back. The scent of his cologne calms my nerves, yet heightens them simultaneously. 

Two long hours pass and we can finally see the end of our essay. We close up our books in relieved sighs and close the never ending tabs of research on our laptops. "Film?" I suggested to him.

"I would, but I have so much more work to do before tomorrow. My bar exam is coming up soon and I haven't even opened any of my law books" he pouts as he rests his head on my lap. I nod and place my hand over his head, combing my fingers through his locks as he smiles softly. "How's psychology going? I heard the new professor is ruthless," George mumbles curiously, his eyes darting between me and the ceiling.

I roll my eyes when he mentions her. "Ugh yes, she doesn't care that we have other courses and majors. Plus she's so mean, do you know what she said to me today?" I rant, my eyes falling to his intrigued expression. "She said and I quote 'I can tell you're blonde by your work'" I scoff in disbelief, reminding myself of the rage I felt when she stared at me stoically through her glasses. "I mean, who says that? Ugh, I would have strangled her if she wasn't so scary "I finish, my voice fading into a murmur as I exhale softly.

"Thats fucked up, you should have said something" he advised as he sat up. "And for all it's worth, I think you're incredibly smart, don't let bullies make you doubt that" he comforted, his voice stern as he looked at me.

"Thank you George" I utter, my heart beating at an unfamiliar pace as he assured me, his voice laced in sincerity. "I'm sad you have to go" I groaned, not ready for this night to be over. I'm scared that once he leaves, it'll go back to us dancing around each other's feelings, wondering on who will make the first move. Tonight felt like a leap, finally there was some progress, even if it was just little touches and hair massages.

"I know, but we can meet tomorrow for lunch if you'd like?" he proposed, his tone unsure and nervous, as if this 'lunch' was something deeper.

"Yes, lunch, that would be amazing." I blurted out enthusiastically, quickly catching my temperament as he smiled widely. "I mean, yeah. I would like that," I reply, my excitement a little softer now. "I guess I'll walk you to the bus stop?" I pose as I stand up. I watch as he places his laptop and books in his bag, catching myself smiling stupidly.

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