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The fear in my eyes changed into dread within a second, the inevitable becoming a reality I always thought I could escape. She stares at my chest with lust filling the darkness in her eyes, evil lingering through her veins. Letting go of my leg, she gets up slowly. Within a swift moment she grabs my ankles, pinning me down to the bed. "Don't move." her voice deepens " I need you to stay still" she says with a slight grin. She finds this fun, and that makes my spine freeze, knowing once she begins, I will lose everything that makes me human, my soul now belonging to her.

"Please don't do thi-" I sputter out before a hard smack hits my teary cheeks.

"Don't beg, it's disgusting" she scoffs "you'll ruin the mood" Carmilla complains. Her arms let go of me as she makes her way to the brown bedside table. My eyes close, I feel my heart beating so fast it hurts. A cold metal touches my temple, making me open my eyes in an instant. "Say yes" her voice, so stern and cold. I turn my pupil to face what's on me. Her gun, her finger on the trigger, ready to end me if I don't comply.

"What?" I stutter out unsure what she means.

"I need you to say yes, I'm not a rapist you know? So.." Carmilla presses the gun in deeper "are you going to behave and let me fuck you?" She asks, as if I have a choice in the matter.

"Y-yes" I give in, dreading what's to come. 'Do I say I've never done this before?' I think to myself, seeing a smirk form on her face. "Is it going to hurt?" I speak up, making Carmilla look at me as her smirk turns to a fake frown.

"Have you never been fucked before Jane?" she taunts, removing the gun from me. I took my first breath in what felt like an eternity, knowing at least I won't have the fear of moving while I lose my dignity.

"No, I'm sorry" I whisper, a slight embarrassment in my tone. Her palm reaches for my chin, lifting it slightly.

"Don't say sorry for that, my love. I'm sorry this is how your first time will be." her grip on my chin tightening slightly. It was so weird hearing kind words come out of her lips, completely contradicting her actions. "I have some work to do, and you're going to stay here" she whispers, her mouth sending chills through my skin. Admiring me, she lets loose of my face, grabbing the items laying behind her. Grabbing my wrists, she wraps them in metal cuffs. My arms, urging to escape, I let out a tired cry.

Ignoring my pleas, Carmilla put my arms back, attaching them to the bed frame behind me. "No, I don't want to do this anymore," I cry out. Carmilla keeps getting the rest of the belongings, completely disregarding my terror. She takes out a vibrator, with a smirk on her face she lifts my skirt up pulling my panties to the side. "I'm sorry, please stop! I take back my yes!" I shout out while kicking my legs to get her away. In retaliation, Carmilla grabs my legs, pinning them down as she huffs in frustration. Pulling some string off the floor, she wraps my ankles up harshly. I lay defenseless, shutting my eyes as tight as I can. A sharp pain scrapes my skin as she tears my skirt open with her blade, making me open my eyes once again. God please make this stop.

I watch her body cower over me as she places her knife under my top, ripping my shirt open. "That's what happens when you don't listen, don't cry now" she tuts, wiping my tears away. Her eyes darken as she tears my bra, leaving me completely exposed. My body shivers against the cold air, my chest raising as she places her fingers on my waistline.

"Please don't take this from me" I begged in a whisper. "You can never come back from this" I shout, trying to get her to stop what she's about to do. And to my surprise she freezes, her eyes glaring into my soul. A moment that felt like an eternity passes as our eyes remain glued to each other, her mind visibly cogging for a response.

Slowly, her body shifts away from me as she gets off the bed. "I'll be back soon," Carmilla states, leaving me in shock. Did she do this just to scare me?

"No, don't leave me here like this!" I called out. My pleas proving useless, she heads to the door. Leaving me in the dark, she slams the door shut.

Carmilla P.O.V

Her screams are getting quieter and quieter, I walk into my office rapidly, needing a moment to process it all. I was never going to actually rape her, but I know from experience, thinking you're about to be raped puts things into great perspective. Hopefully now she'll know I'm not here to be a friend. My eyes meet with Genevieve, I let out a sigh of frustration, knowing what she will say. Her eyes portrayed disappointment, the distance growing between our bond. "You didn't have to do that" she voices with a slight crack hiding in her tone.

Sitting down on my chair, I lean back, staring at the ceiling. " I did." I simply say. I had to make her fear me in some way, no one is harmed and yet she will now respect me. Silence fills the room. Her footsteps fade away, breaking the silence. "I really don't appreciate you questioning me" I scolded. "Especially when I can get rid of you faster than I did dad" my words make her stop in her tracks, frozen in place as she listens. " Think of what I just said next time you come up with your stupid little pity parties" I utter coldly.

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