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DAY 4 - 6:54 PM

"Jane," a raspy voice makes me jump out of my drowse, jolting my eyes open as I turn to her. It can't be. I look over to Carmilla, her eyes open ever so slightly. I let out a relieved chuckle as water filled my eyes, my eyes catching the little lift of the corner of her lip, communicating the pain traveling through her.

"Yes, I'm here, I'm here" I utter out quickly as I grab onto her wrist. All these tears and hopeless prayers worked. She's awake. She lets out a pained moan as she tries to lift her chest. "No, no, don't move. Just stay still, you're safe here" I comforted as she laid back down in surrender, her eyes closing and opening as she adjusted to the light. I admire her weak face, her eyes glistening against the warm light above us, she looked so helpless and defeated.

"What... What happened?" she stutters out in confusion, her eyes drifting between me and our surroundings.

I glance at her for a moment, in surprise at her confusion. "You died, Carmilla," I state gently. "Cole managed to get you back" I explained softly, tender with my words like the doctor advised. A few tears follow my words as she looks at me, bewildered, her pupils dilated as she tries to piece everything together.

"Hey, don't cry, you'll mess up that pretty face,'' she whispers with a weak smile. I let out a choked laugh as she wiped my tears away, her pale face admiring with a weak smile. She is on death's door, yet she makes me laugh, my cheeks reddening before she lets go. She chuckles at my reaction, closing her eyes, a permanent smile plastered on her face.

"Thank you-" I whisper before a beep starts speeding up, her head falling back as the beeping gets louder and louder. "Carmilla?" I blurt out, my hand landing on her chest as the sound becomes constant, completely panic overtaking me as I stare at the heart monitor, the once zig-zag lines, now in a straight line across the screen. Jumping towards the red button, I harshly tap it over and over, my eyes blurring as I process what is happening. "Help! She needs help, someone!" I scream out, my words echoing around me as the constant screech of the screen vibrates through my ears.

"Nurse Garcia, I need family out of the room, Johnson, I need point 5 mg of Epinephrine" a man states as the room fills with nurses and doctors, my ears going silent as someone pulls me back.

I was shouting but I couldn't hear anything, my words muffled in my chest as her body got shielded by shadows, my body backing away against my will. All I could hear was the endless words being thrown to the other as the doctors fought with her soul, desperately pulling her back to me before the door shut in my face.

The only thing I can hear is my fast pants, my chest heaving as my mind closes in, the brown hospital door staring back at me as a woman's touch rests on my shoulder, her words echoing in the far distance.

"Jane is it? Why don't we go get some fresh air? '' the woman's voice finally came into focus, my mind dizzy from seeing Carmilla pass before me. I slowly turn to the tall woman, her sharp brows focused on me as she lets a little smile slip, opening her arm out for me to take it.


Tapping my legs on the floor, I turn to Genevieve, her body slouched into Cole's arms as we wait in silence, the waiting room filled with people walking and talking, our heads turning after each nurse that passes, hoping they're here for Carmilla. Hearing a click of a door closing, my eyes shot to the doctor walking out of Carmilla's room, his attention focused on the sheet in front of him. Standing up in unison, I hold my breaths as he takes notice of us, lifting his head as he gives us a sympathetic smile.

"Madam Lambert is stable" he announces softly. Letting out an exasperated sob, I place my hand on the chair beside me, needing to balance myself at the release of hearing those words. Genevieve cries out behind me, Cole sniffling as the doctor smiles softly. "Her heart didn't recover properly after the first time she had CPR, the shock of waking up and the pain must have weakened her more. She will be under strict observation until we feel she is stable enough to be discharged, but for now, keep things light" he advised clearly.

"Can I see her?" I utter out once I calm the pain in my chest, needing to see her awake, breathing, alive. I feel a familiar hand take hold of my shaking hand, Genevieve's perfume calming me as she tightens her grip.

"We'll go together" Genevieve soothed as her finger rubbed the back of my hand, keeping me in reality as I prepared myself to go inside.

"You can, she should be awake by now" the doctor confirmed with a warm smile, stepping aside for me and Genevieve to take the lead.

Taking a deep breath, I place my hand over the silver handle, pressing it down before I creak the door open slowly. Letting my heartbeat match the faint rhythm of the machine in the room, I walk towards her bed, her eyes closed as the golden lamp highlights the shadows on her face. My lips quiver at the wires connected to her as a large machine on wheels rests beside her bed, her mouth covered by an oxygen mask to help her breath. My mind tries to piece together how easily she became the one in need of saving, her life depending on the electricity going through her, liquid hydrating through her veins. She always looked indestructible, and here she is, fighting between life and death.

I glance over to Genevieve, her palm over her mouth as she holds in her sob, her eyes bloodshot and glossy, keeping everything in as she glances over to her sister. There was a haunting silence in the room, everything around us seeming meaningless when she isn't here to keep everything in place, holding up an empire that is doomed to fall once she does.

"She would hate her outfit right now" Genevieve speaks up, her voice croaking as she lets out a little chuckle. I follow suit after taking notice of the hospital robe she has on, little dinosaurs and tractors pasted all across the blue fabric. The bitter sweet moment quickly rose as her eyes flickered open slowly, then quickly shutting as she shifts lightly.

I speed over, placing her cold hand in mine, rubbing warmth into it as she opens her eyes once again, smiling at my gesture. "Hi" I whisper as Genevieve takes a step forward, Carmilla's eyes lowering to see Genevieve's face.

Gently, I lift the oxygen mask off her face, allowing her to speak up if she can. "You guys look like shit" she speaks up in a rasp, chuckling to herself as Genevieve laughs with a cry, shaking her head as she walks over to the other side.

"You should take a look in the mirror" Cole spoke up as he stood at the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, a wild beam plastered across his tear stricken face.

Groaning in discomfort, Carmilla lets out a laugh, quickly stopping once she winces in pain through her ribs. "Don't make.. Fuck- dont make me laugh" she utters as she looks down, lifting her brows at the robe she had on, scoffing at the design. "You pay for private, and you get shit like this?" she murmurs, making us burst into laughter, relieved her personality is still there. "What? I'm serious" she argues softly, unamused by our mockery.

"We're just glad you didn't lose your humor" Genevieve states as she smiles, fixing Carmilla's loose strand of hair. Carmilla rolls her eyes as she smiles at Genevieve's gesture, letting out a little cough before Genevieve takes Carmilla's hand in hers. "I'm going to leave you to catch up with Jane, okay?" she murmured softly before placing a kiss on Carmilla's hair, her voice holding in so much pain and relief all at once.

"Thanks Gen" Carmilla responds in a whisper, tightening her grip slightly before Genevieve lets go of her hand, their relationship so discreet with affection, yet the little signals meant so much. I could see their eyes communicating words neither of them knew how to express, their love for one another detrimental for their survival.

Passing Genevieve and Cole a grateful smile, I shift my attention back to Carmilla, her eyes pinned on me once I turn, my lips lifting in a warm grin. "How does it feel to touch the hospital bed with your bare bum?" I tease with a smirk as she lets out a little chuckle.

"Feels amazing, I've never felt such fresh air" she retorts with a mirrored smirk, shaking her head lightly as I laugh out loud. "I missed your laugh, it was all I dreamed of when I was sleeping" she murmurs tiredly, smiling as I sniffle at her words.

"I missed your voice" I admit gently, taking in the blissful moment before time runs out and she needs to rest.

"Don't worry, you will have my voice beside you for the rest of your life" Carmilla states in a grin, rubbing her thumb on my hand as my chest falls in tranquility. 

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