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Jane P.O.V.

I lay on the couch, my body wrapped in endless blankets as I wait for her to get back. This is nice. My eyes dwell on the ceiling, admiring the light above me. The calm tunes coming from the TV make my body feel as if it's floating in a cloud. I glance over at the old clock staring at me, it's 5:30 AM already? They left no later than 10PM. Thank god the security let me out of the room.

A lingering feeling in the back of my mind starts to leak all around my brain. Something isn't right, she would never come back this late, especially Genevieve and Cole. "Have you heard anything about Carmilla and Genevieve?" I inquired of the still, suited man standing at the door.

"No miss, I haven't heard anything" he responds politely with a smile. Huh, that's weird. I turn back to face the clock, pulling out my phone, thanking the universe for making Carmilla give me my phone back at the perfect time. There are no messages. No calls. Nothing. I don't like this, my gut is telling me something is wrong and I can't help but listen. I tap on Genevieve's contact, the steady ringing tone making me tap my foot on the floor. A generated voice answers, instructing me to leave a message. Fuck. Answer, someone answer. I proceed to do the same with Carmilla's and Cole's number, all of them sending me to voicemail. I'm starting to get worried. A million different possible outcomes spin through my mind.

The creaking handle of the front door makes me turn around. Is that them? A bereaved Genevieve followed by Cole entered the home. Both of them were covered in blood and dirt, mud on the knee of their trousers. Where is Carmilla? Maybe she's still in the car. Maybe she's just taking a little longer to get in. In uncertainty, I tread over to the couple, her cheeks rosy. Genevieve's eyes crystallized, her eyebags a dull gray. I feel the blood in my veins rush to my head. No, it can't be. "Where is Carmilla?" I utter out quietly. I dread to hear the answer. I know what she's going to say. I already know, but I don't want to hear it. Genevieve looks at me in despair, a numbness prevalent in her eyes.

Tears start swelling up in my eyes, blurring the people in front of me. This can't be happening, not now, not after everything she's put me through. She can't die just like that. No goodbye, no apology, nothing. "She is, uhm..." Genevieve mumbles out in a shaky voice.

"She's what?" I persist. Don't say it, please don't say what I'm thinking.

Genevieve breaks out into a painful sob as Cole wraps her arm around her. "She – Carmilla has been hurt. She's in the hospital" Cole explains. My knees give in as I drop to the floor, letting out a cry of relief. She's alive.

"So she's okay?" I question in desperation. A moment of silence passes as he tries to come up with an answer, the silence pulling everything back.

"No, she's lost a lot of blood." Cole responds quietly. "They said she won't make it through the night," he finishes. I look up at him. My brows furrow at his words. I must have misheard him. I stand up and speed to the door, passing Cole and Genevieve. "Where are you going?" he asks as he turns to me.

"I'm going to see her" I exclaim, wiping the tears on my cheek. I need to see her. I open the front door, speed walking to the garage before footsteps chase after me as I sob silently.

"Jane!" Genevieve calls out as she grabs onto my wrist. "She isn't awake" she confesses.

"I don't care, I need her to know I'm there" I rebuke in a sob, pulling my arm away harshly. I halt, waiting for her response as she bites her lip, the tear falling down her cheek not succeeding in remaining hidden.

"Okay, we'll take you,'' Genevieve says as she steps forward before I resume my walk to the car. I stopped, knowing I can't drive her car that's in front of us. What the hell was I thinking? I nod at her offer and stop in my trail.


All I can see is her face imprinted in my mind as I sprint down the cold, white corridors. Will it be too late? All the things I wish I've said spin in my mind like a carousel. How can she break my heart like this? How could this be happening?

My feet halt at the wooden door, rethinking my decision to see her. Can I handle seeing her like this? Shaking my fears away, I slowly open the door. Her sleeping body lays on the bed, the sound of her heart monitor filling up all the sound in the room. She's breathing. Her chest raises ever so gently as I make my way over. She looks so peaceful. Finally, she can rest. Her once beautiful face is now covered in purple bruises, accompanied by bandaged cuts. I place my hand over her resting hand. Her skin is so cold yet soft, like velvet on a cold hand. I kneel down on the floor, placing my forehead on her hand as I close my hands. "Please fight, Carmilla. If not for yourself, fight for me" I whisper, hoping there was some way I could make all of this go away.

I lift my head up abruptly as I feel her pinky move - just enough to let me know she heard me. I let out a choked cry as I stared at her, relieved that maybe, just maybe, she will make it. "I'm not leaving your side, ever." I reassured as I got off the ground.

I gently place my body over hers, kissing her forehead. A blast of warmth overtakes me as I keep my lips connected to her skin. As I let go of her, I see a lonely tear escaping her closed eyes. She can hear me, but she's trapped in this slumber. A warm stillness wraps around us, the low light, lighting up her features so beautifully. I lay my head down on her chest as I listen to the beating of her heart, her beats matching mine as I breathe in slowly. "Get some rest, we will talk in the morning" I whisper as I settle down on the chair next to her. I place my arm on hers as I sink into the chair, my eyes drifting away. No matter how worried and awake I am, somehow being in her presence comforts me, makes me just want to sleep.


A little knock awakens me. Wiping my eyes, I look at Genevieve and Cole standing in front of me. "What time is it?" I ask as I look over to Carmilla. Her body has not moved, her endless slumber, pulling my heartstrings.

"It's 9:35 to be exact" Cole answers gently as he smiles softly. "The doctor will be here in a minute" he states, glancing over to Carmilla. His eyes filled with dread, yet so glad she is still alive. She's fighting. A gentle voice makes us look at the doctor in front of us.

"Good morning, I'm doctor Sinclair" he states with a smile as he shakes Genevieve's hand. His eyes glance over to me. "Are you family?" he inquires. Am I? Am I even her girlfriend? We've never said that we were. We haven't put a label to the relationship we have. I don't think there is a label for our type of relationship, even if we tried to come up with one.

"Yes, she is Carmilla's partner" Genevieve responds in my defense. Partner, as if we're equals. I let out a smile of gratitude at Genevieve as I nod.

"Yeah, we're partners" I voice as he steps over to the other side of the bed.

He opens up his folder as he analyzes what's written inside. "Okay, from what I see, she came in here early morning, am I right?" he asks as he scans the document. Genevieve and Cole nod in unison as he grabs her wrist. Feeling her pulse, he waits for a moment. "Unfortunately, she has lost a lot of blood. It's what we call Hypovolemic shock," he explains. "Therefore, there might be a chance she doesn't wake at all" he says sympathetically. The pain in my chest makes me wince, I knew that but hearing it out loud makes it so much worse.

"You shouldn't lose hope though, she can recover. We didn't think she would make it through the night, yet she is still alive" he reassures. "It's all up to her at this point. It depends on how much she wants to survive" he finishes. A reflecting silence follows his words, all of us pointing our eyes at the vulnerable Carmilla.

"Do you think she will make it?" I whisper with a stuffed sniffle.

He lets out a consoling sigh as he looks at me. "Right now we need to focus on her healing, everything will have its due course" he comforts. "Believe in her"

Believe in her? Of course I believe in her, I don't believe in myself. I don't believe I'll be able to live without her. I don't believe I can live without her face being the first thing I see in the morning. She's my reason to live. I love her. 

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