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I follow her body as she takes off her top, her golden skin glowing from sweat as her arms tense at the movement. "I need to shower first, can you wait?" she questions, her eyes focused on mine. Her glare looked right into my soul, her eyes coercing me into submission. I nod with a tender smile, a warm sensation fills my body. A brief moment passes before a little smirk creeps up onto her face, "or... you could join me" she murmurs, her sultry voice sounds like music to my ears. Should I? My body tells me I should. "Hm?" she inquires as her body tilts down to get close, her arms leaning on the edge of the bed as I feel my cheeks flaming up in a fluster.

"Yeah, I guess I could use a shower too," I responded with a bitten smile, hiding my excitement. She shouldn't be able to control me like this. My body follows her when I'm around her, my heart beating in a rhythm only she can control. A quick whisk and I'm in her arms, yelping at her skilled swoop. I wrap my arms around her shoulder to hold on, even if I knew I could let go and she would still carry me with ease. I dont think I'll ever get over the butterflies in my stomach every time she pulls me in.

Her warm hands get ahold of my waist. Gently, she lifts my top up slowly. Her soft lips reach mine, pulling me into a firm kiss. This time it felt different, there was no lust in them. It was caring, like she really wanted me, not my body. Just me.

Our breathing collides in unison, desperate for each other's touch. I grab onto her arm, placing it on my chest. She removes her hand "take it slow baby, we have all night" she whispers, her voice so gentle it makes my heart flutter. Her lips kiss me once again, the kiss getting messier by the second. My mind is somewhere else, my body is no longer in my command. Her hands trace my figure, each touch sending goosebumps though my skin. I place my hands on her leather belt, slowly unbuckling it. For the first time, it feels as though I'm craving her more than she is. Our lips stay connected until all our clothes hit the floor.

A shiver overtakes my body as cold water hits us, not expecting her to switch it on so quickly. The water slowly warms up, allowing us to resume the moment. I place my hands on her abdomen, feeling her warm skin, caressing every inch of her core. "I want you to touch me '' I utter in between pecks.

Carmilla smiles into the kiss, acknowledging my request. Her fingers slide down to my pussy, her gentle strokes forming a pattern. I let out helpless moans as she speeds up, oxytocin running wild in my veins. A gasp escapes me as she inserts a finger, I grip onto her shoulder. Without thinking, I placed my fingers on her pussy, before a quiet moan left her mouth. I've never heard her moan like this before. And it looks like she hasn't either. Our conjoined moans balance with each other, wanting moans overtaking all the sound in the room. Suddenly, her arms push me against the wall, the cold tile cooling my back. Her body lowers down until she's on her knees, grasping onto my thighs. God, she's hot from this angle. Her eyes look up at me as she lifts my leg up, placing it over her shoulder. I lean my head back as her tongue reaches me. I grip onto her loose hair, tightening my grip as she speeds up. Her hands wrap around my hip, massaging my lower back as she curls her tongue. Now I understand why Kayla ignored her personality. How can I hate her when my body loves her so much?

"Don't stop," I begged, desperate for this feeling to never leave me. Her movement sent a tingling sensation all over my legs. A little shake forms in my lifted leg, I can't hold it anymore, not when her grip on my hips just makes my stomach flood. A metal taste enters my mouth, blood from how hard I was biting my lip. "I can't hold it anymore" I cry out, a pleasurable tear falling down my cheek. I feel as though someone is shooting fireworks through my blood, the ecstasy making me roll my eyes back. I feel my body jolt uncontrollably as I release, my body intoxicated with euphoria as she mumbles curses into my ear, mocking me for being so dependable on her pleasure.

"Good girl," Carmilla says as she gets up, those words making my heart and core flutter. I nod in between heavy pants, trying to recollect myself. My legs feel weak, I can feel them holding back from collapsing. "Let's get you in the bath" she whispers as she holds me up. I let go of all the strength holding me up, using her arms to keep me up. Lifting me up, she walks me over to the bathtub. Planting me on the edge of it, she switches the golden bath faucet to fill it up. She treads over to the windowsill, grabbing a bath bomb as I admire her bare skin, little scars on her upper arms and back, presumably from fights.

"That smells nice" I utter as I inhale the vanilla scented water, a sense of calmness overtaking me as she places me into the bath. Her movement is so delicate, treating me like I'm a glass vase threatening to smash at any moment. I close my eyes, the bubbles around me tickling my skin.

"I'm going to shower, you stay in there okay?" she orders with a smitten smile. She plants a loving kiss on my forehead before getting in the shower. I could lay in here forever, she doesn't need to tell me that. Tranquility forms all around me, all I can hear is the bubbles crackling, along with the running water from Carmilla's shower. I finally feel like I belong, this is my home too, the urge to escape slowly fading away as time passes.

"Let's get you dressed baby" Carmilla whispers as she passes me a heated towel. Her black vest wrapping her body tightly, matched with her black sweatpants. Wrapping myself up, she helps me get dressed, her silk gray pajamas hiding my hands. "I'll get you ones that fit" she chuckles at my body, buried in her clothes.

"No, I want it to be yours, besides it's more comfortable when it's oversize" I justify with a pout. Her clothes have her scent, even if she isn't around, I'll still feel close.

"Okay baby" she responds gently as she tucks my hair back. "You're so beautiful" she admires. I feel my cheeks redden as she stares at me. Her eyes look so vulnerable, like her heart is in my hands, pleading for me to be careful with it. "Would you join me in bed?" she questions softly.

"Why yes, I would like that very much" I responded in a posh voice.

"Are you mocking me?" she gasps playfully.

"No, this is my real voice" I voice with a sly smirk.

"Oh, you are going to regret that" she threatens as she picks me up and tosses me over her shoulder. I laugh out while hitting her back with my fists, aggravated by how quick she manages to pick me up.

"Let me go woman!" I shout out as she laughs, her laughter sending endorphins through my brain. I shriek as my body falls on the bed, Carmilla pressing herself on top of me.

"Your punishment is being tickled to death" she orders with a serious voice, trying to mask her smile. She can't be serious. I scream as she starts to tickle me, not granting me any mercy as i shield myself by folding my legs up..

"No, stop, I can't breathe," I beg, hysterically laughing.

"Say sorry!" she shouts in amusement at my state.

"Fine! I'm sorry! "I surrender, tears threatening to fall. I let out a sigh of relief when she stopped, giggling as she grabbed my ankles, pulling me forward before lowering herself until her lips were a hair length away.

"That's what I thought" Carmilla remarks with an attitude before she plants her lips on mine. An urgent knock vibrates through the walls, making both of us turn to the sound. A dreading silence forms, something feels off. Carmilla's face confirmed my instinct as her brows furrow, her shoulders tensing as she holds her breath. She swiftly gets off of me, slowly walking over to the door. "Get some rest, I'll be back soon" she states before she opens the door. A panicked Cole meets us both, his face peeking through Carmilla's shoulder. What's happened? I don't like this.

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