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I open my eyes to be met with her staring at my legs, her pupils dilated with perversion. I move my arms over to my thighs to cover them as I edge towards the car door to be as far away as humanly possible. "Move your arms," the woman said drily, almost as if she was too bored to deal with the consequences of her threat. Terrified, I moved my hands back onto my lap slowly, my mouth dry from the tension around us. "Good girl" she whispers with a sly grin on her face, clearly amused by how easily I obeyed. After an hour that felt like an eternity, the car halts to a smooth stop, allowing me to get a glance at the large gates closing behind us, sealing my fate behind these tall walls.

The cold winter breeze hits my face as the front doors of the car open, each one of them stepping out, while I don't dare to move a hair on my head. The tall woman's shadow appears on my side of the door, opening it as she leans down slightly. "Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to mention my name" she states with a chuckle. I kept my head tilted towards the floor, my eyes glued on the scratches that formed on my knees while I was on the ground. Suddenly, she grabs my face, lifting my chin up harshly. "Always look at me when I'm talking to you" she says with a grit in her teeth. "Do you understand?" she questions. I ignore her remarks and stay silent, hoping she will take my silence as compliance. " I said, do you fucking understand?!" she growls as another slap hits my face for the night. This time, it stung.

"I understand," I murmured out tearfully.

A smile crawls onto her face as she lets go of my face, rubbing the fallen tear with her thumb. "As I was saying" she cleared her throat. "My name is Carmilla" I put on a weak smile, acknowledging her words. Carmilla moves back and nudges for me to get out of the car with an open arm, her smile still remains as she watches me step out. A crunch is heard as my foot hits the layer of snow beneath me, each step dragging as the others stand beside us. Carmilla points her arm out, signaling me to walk towards the home in front of me. I stare at the mansion in front of me as she follows behind me, my heart tightening with every step I take. It's beautiful, warm brick and long windows overlooking the woods, its architecture spawning out of the Victorian era, perhaps even Roman, statues crying snowflakes and icicles. I walk over to the staircase leading up to the door, an overwhelming blanket of dread warming me against the frozen air. The smell of burnt wood and coffee hit my nostrils, as the howl of wind tickles the back of my neck. I take a deep breath to prepare my mind for the night ahead and look back at Carmilla as she places her hand on her gun, warning me silently. I quickly turn back around and make my way to the tall double doors, death greeting me with warmth.

"Walk to the staircase going down" she asserts as the door closes behind us, making my shoulders jolt as the trap is sealed.

"I don't want to, please, I just want to go home" I plead in a whisper, knowing if I go down there, I'm never coming back up alive. Carmilla takes a few steps towards me, her breath warming my neck as the bulge of her gun presses against my lower back.

"You don't get to choose, Jane," Carmilla murmurs into my ear. The warmth quickly fades away as chills seep in, her voice more dangerous than the bullets in her palm.

A painful screech of a woman is heard through the halls of the brick cellar, followed by a loud whack before silence echoes around us. I look back at carmilla with horror in my eyes, only to be met with nonchalance and stoicism. "please" I sob out, falling to my knees, my body desperate for a way out. A groan is heard as she looks down at me, frustration lingering behind the boredom.

"You are starting to get a little annoying" she complains as she grabs onto the back of my hair, her fingers wrapping around the muddy strands. "If you won't walk there, I'll drag you there myself" she threatens as I keep crying, unable to compose myself for a task so simple yet the most difficult thing to do. A swift moment passes as she waits for my decision but my knees are glued to the floor, inviting her to fulfill the threat.

"Ahh it hurts, please stop!" I beg but it's to no avail, her fist remained tight around my hair as she dragged me across the tile floor. My lower back and legs start to burn as it's being scraped, my hair on fire as my heart thrashes against my ribcage. "I hate you!" I shout out in between cries, making the latter laugh as she halts.

"Oh, you'll understand hate in about an hour" she cooed as she opens a door before tossing my body into the dark room, followed by Carmilla shutting the door behind her. I crouch down on the floor in pain as my hand travels to my scalp, carefully soothing the sting.

"Get up." she ordered flatly as she took her suit jacket off before rolling up her sleeves. I catch a glimpse of her as her back is turned to me as she switches the warm light on. Her ironed white shirt is tight around her shoulders, veins seeping through the skin on her arms. I hold my position, too weak to get up as she steps towards me. I shut my eyes as her shadow towers over me, blocking the somber light in the foreign room. All I hear is my heart pulsing in my temple down to my toes as silence takes over before a harsh kick lands on my side, causing me to open my eyes in an instant as I yelp.

"AHH" I scream out in pain as I curl up into a ball to attempt to soothe the pain burning onto my bones. She chuckles behind me and taps me with her foot before landing another kick to my back, this time hitting right in my spine.

"I'll keep going until you listen. It's up to you" she elucidated composedly, yet her voice echoed in the distance of my ears, fading from the shooting pain. Mustering up the strength, I slowly get up with a wince, wishing for the kicks to stop. Holding my side, I stand up to face her, only to see the room I'm in.

The room is covered in gray cement where shadows clung to the walls like whispers, with endless shelves everywhere, caging the terror shrieking to escape. A clump of chains are situated in the corner, followed by a row of saws hanging on top of it. A metal chair, right at the center of the room like a stage, awaiting an audience to watch the unfold. A dangling bulb lightening up the room to show all its horrors. My eyes dread as I look over to the table in the left corner that holds an array of knives, guns, and throwing knives before my attention shifts back to the devil standing in the room with me. "You like my room?" she questions, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "This is for pretty girls just like you" she whispers as she digs her finger into my chest. It finally dawned on me that I am not simply getting killed, I'm about to be tortured to death.

"I promise I will listen to you. I didn't mean to act like that, I was just scared" I plead in a broken voice, praying that somewhere behind the evil lies a little sympathy.

"Oh, but it's too late now, my love" Carmilla gently explains as she walks towards the chains. "Sit down, you're my guest after all" she says with a mocking tone in her voice. I was never religious, but for the first time, I searched around me for a glimpse of God, hoping he would make a deal with the devil on my behalf.

Fighting reflex, I slowly walk over to the chair as she brings over a few chains. She pushes my body down to sit after I stay still, unsure of what to do next. "I swear, I have to do everything around here," Carmilla complains with a sigh leaving her lips. A cold chain hits my skin as my arms get tied to the back of the chair, the metal cold awakening my nerves. I feel myself trembling in fear as unconsented tears roll down my eyes, waiting for my untimely demise.

Her cold hand is placed on the back of my neck as she grabs all my hair into her palm. I flinch, expecting a pull, but to my surprise, she tucks it into a hairband. "What? Did you think I was going to pull your hair?" Carmilla questions, almost surprised by my reaction. "I just don't want your hair to get all bloody," she explains softly with a smile. My stomach drops as I look up at her with fear in my eyes, disturbed by her need for kindness. "What? It's so pretty, I don't want it ruined" the latter says admiring my tear-stricken face.

Burn The Devil      (MAFIA GXG)Where stories live. Discover now