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My eyes shoot open at the muffled vibrating of my alarm hidden under the pillow. It's time. Flipping the warm duvet that kept me warm from the cold chilly night outside, I let my warm toes collide with the cold floor. Avoiding all the weight of my body to fall on my foot, I tip toe as I shake my nerves away. I feel a cold shiver slither down my spine as I place my fingers over the handle, creaking it open as silently as possible. As much as I am in a battle against time, I need to assure I am as silent as possible, so I steadily pull the door open. I can't fuck this up. There are no second chances, I know if I get caught, her love for me will not overpower her anger and I'll be dead.

The corridors feel quieter than usual, it always seemed full of noise to me, background chatter to heavy footsteps from guards patrolling the home. But now it was deafeningly silent. For the first time, every breath I took felt like a gust of wind penetrating the walls, letting her know I'm escaping. Counting the seconds in comparison to my trail, I make my way to the front of the house. My lungs don't dare to exhale as I cave back behind the wall connecting the rest of the house to the front entrance. A mixture of cologne and tobacco fills my nostrils as the tall man treads past me to head to his break. I release the grip on my chest once he is out of reach. Silently, I scurry over to the agape front door.

I got out. I instantly felt the fresh air hit my face, causing my cheeks to redden and my feet to freeze. Just standing still for what felt like an eternity but was in reality just a moment, I took a deep breath and looked back at the house. I took my first step down the stone stairs. It's time to run, Jane. There is no time to reminisce, I think to myself. My feet hold me back in uncertainty. Why am I struggling to leave? It should be easy. But will I ever get to see her again? What will happen if she finds m--

"She's out!" I hear Cole alerting the others as he opens the door, seeing my cold body and bare feet in the snow. I start running as fast as I can, dashing away any regret. I feel my heart in my neck as I hear 2 pairs of footsteps sprinting towards me. My chest heaves as my ears go mute, the land around me blurring as I sprint into the night.

I sprint, feeling the cold snow in between my toes. I start to see the woods, I'm so close. 'Where are we?' I think to myself but I'm not quick enough to react as a twig hits my ankle. "Ah, fuck" I cry out in a weep, quickly zipping mouth shut with my teeth. Holding back tears, I keep running, ignoring the shooting fire under my foot. There is no choice now, I'd rather be in pain than lose my life. My body dives behind the trees, overshadowing me as I keep up my speed, using all the power in my lungs to keep me from stopping.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer. "She'll kill you when we catch you!" Genevieve shouts out desperately, begging me to give up, or warning me to keep going, I can't exactly tell. "Don't do this, Jane, just stop!" I hear her plead in between breaths, my first thought confirmed.

I feel my lungs closing up as my throat catches on fire before sudden silence hits my surroundings, their voices and footsteps vanishing in an instant. I hear every pump of blood running through my veins as I look around, the trees spinning around me. Where did they go? I slow my tracks, taking a deep breath of hope. Did I lose them? I don't like the quiet. It worries me. Something is wrong.

I feel a breath in my neck warm the frost forming on my hair follicles. I freeze. I shut my eyes, smelling the familiar scent of Cole's cologne behind me, letting me know he is about to get me. A sudden thrust hits my side as I'm thrown to the ground and pinned to the cold floor. It's Cole, it's really him. "Let me go!" I shout out with tears hitting my cheeks, kicking my feet and shuffling my arms in the air, fighting to get off of him. The pain on my back is giving me warmth. I'm alive. Our eyes connect as he looks down at me, the panting expression quickly morphing into a sorrowed one. His look scared me, not because he could kill me, but because, even him as her best friend, still has no control and would do anything to protect his own life, ready to risk mine if he had to. She doesn't even have to be here to tell me that she is in control of it all.

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