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"Where did the Carmilla I know go?" Genevieve turns to me with sadness in her voice, her tone piercing my heart more than her words. "This isn't who I thought you were '' she states, her words holding betrayal, as if I'm no longer the woman she once knew.

"I did what I had to do!" I confronted, anger fueling me as I got out of my chair. "This," I pointed to the directions of the screams, my teeth locking together as she wailed in the distance. "This will make her listen" I justify, attempting to convince myself as well. "Put yourself in my shoes for one day, and you'll see how much you change!" I rebuke. "You have no idea; the work, the stress, and strength it takes to do what I have to do to keep ungrateful bitches like you, afloat." I yell, reproaching my sister.

"So you raped her? This is how you display power now? This is not how mom and dad raised you" she chided as her voice raised, grief overflowing her scold.

"Dont you fucking-" I groan "-don't you fucking dare bring up their names in my house, I raised myself, not them" i rebuked, my voice cracking in anger. I step closer to my sister, My tone turned to hatred. Hatred and betrayal at my sister. "So don't you dare stand here and lecture me, after everything I've done for you". I continued. Genevieve's eyes reddened as her head lowered down. "Now get out before I do something I'll regret, and please, for the love of god, get off your little moral high horse and remember the things you've had to do to survive '' I berate, a dry chuckle escaping my mouth. I'm not in the laughing mood.

Suffocating silence fills the room. Genevieve picks her head up once again and makes her way to the door, leaving me to ponder the words I spewed. I make my way to my cabinet, pulling out my favorite bottle. Grabbing my glass, I sit down. I open the large bottle of Hennessy and I pour my worries away. Alcohol always helps.

Streaks of sunlight start seeping through the blinds, dusk has arrived way too soon. Have I really been sitting here for so long? I rub my tiredness away as I head towards the damsel in distress. My heels echoing through the halls, her screams fading into whimpers as I open the door.

"Let me go!" she whines out, her wrists tainted the color of blood. I make my way over to her face seeing the desperation in her eyes.

"Did you learn your lesson baby?" I question gently. She lets out eager nods, "that's not an answer Jane, do I need to come back later?" I torment , biting a drunken smile away.

"Yes, I learned my lesson, I promise. I'll behave, just let me out, I'm cold" her voice was so weak and broken, I gave her a little nod of agreement. I cave down to her feet, slowly untying the rope around her ankles. A loud sigh of relief leaves her mouth as she breaks into tears. Her toes move gently as she regains movement in her feet, "thank you" she whispers. My heart pulled ever so slightly at her weak thank you, guilt sinking in at her state.

Flowing tears flood her cheeks as I unlock the cold metal handcuffs around her wrists. "Don't cry baby, it's okay" I comforted as I planted a gentle kiss on her wet face. Her face displaying confusion, she gives in to her fatigue and lets sleep overtake her. I wait for a moment as I watch her sleepy whimpers quieten down before I wipe her wet cheek and tread away.

Exiting the room, I head to the front of the house, passing the room Kayla was sleeping in. I hear a familiar voice in the distance, distracting me from going into the room. Oh for fucks sake. Putting my rest aside for the night, I shift my direction to the front hall. Standing by the door is Christian. Seeing him before me, my body shivers in disgust. Always with his greasy, gray hair covering the right side of his forehead, of course, completed with a sly grin. As soon as his eyes meet mine, he opens his arms for an embrace.

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