Burning gaze

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I have a frog with a dark a dark red lipstick on her lips and her feets almost in air.
Grey is jumping like a literal monkey right next to me. This is something about this girl. She can't keep a damn calm.
We are walking to the main building, it's like a five minutes walk from our dorm.
I have a feeling that this is really going fast.
It feels like yesterday when we were heading to the main building for our first day at highschool and now it's our graduation.
"Do you want some?" grey asked me as she extended a shade of maroon lip colour to me.
"No please" I tell her and she rolled her eyes at me.
In one hand she is holding a small mirror and a tissue and on the other hand her lipstick.
Applying the lipstick on her lips and then dabbing the tissue between them and then reapplying and doing the same.
"What! Don't look at me like you are in love with me" she said when she caught me staring at her.
Such a drama queen.

We stopped when we reached infront of main building.
Paradise Orphanage- a home for you. Reading the board of main building my eyes filled with tears how fast time flies
I came here when I didn't have anyone, I grew up here and today I have come to a point where I am about to leave this place.
It's like home to me; ofcourse,because I didn't have one.
"Here wipe your pearls off honey", said Mrs Brian with a soft smile on her face.
Even she is almost 65 years old ,she doesn't look like one, she has the most beautiful eyes and round chin.

She is the wife of the owner.
Ever since I can remember she the one by my side.
I love her she's like a mother to me, she always guided me for my best, always thought of my happiness.
In this big building she is the one I always run to ,wheather it's about getting my first period or late night school projects.
She doesn't have children of her own that's one of the reason she opened this orphanage with her husband.
"Why I always have to be like this" I said as I wiped out away the unwelcomed tears.
"It's ok " she said with her warm hands covering mine.
"Why are you holding my wife's hand little girl?" asked a man who was approaching us with a wide smile.
Mr. brian, what a cool dude he is.
He is the one who name me; Grinny.
It's because I always used to smile.
He came and kissed his wife on her temple.
After all these years of being together, he is still in love like a crazy with Mrs.brian.
She's the oxygen he inhale.
If ever I get the love of my life I want him to be like Mr Brian ; sweet ,calm ,humble, handsome , kind ,polite and what not.

The bus came and I divert my eyes from the love birds.
"Honey I'll be there if you need me", Mrs Brian said handing me her homemade cookies.

"I know", I said sending her flying kisses and flirty wink, I love to play around with her.

We are now on the bus, miss chitchat blondie is right next to me ,as usual.
I am munching the cookies and looking out of the bus.
In front of HMV University our bus stopped and few people were welcomed by Mr and Mrs Brian.
The one who caught my eye was this dude no, hot dude.
He is like a mafia but with specs if that's ever gonna happen.
He's double of my size 7ft or what, toned body sharp eye brows , sphenic green eyes, fresh plump lips and clenched jaw!.

His face is as pretty as his horrifying aura .
It's like he can kill anyone with just his glares ,he's in white formal shirt and that shirt is doing nothing to his toned muscles that are bulging out.

All the girls in the bus are eye fucking him and so am I.
His hairs are neatly out of his face giving a good look of god's masterpiece.

As I was studying his features his eyes landed on me and suddenly I got goosebumps.

It's not like he can murder me or something why I'm getting scared under his gaze.

I couldn't keep eye contact for more then a second and had to look away.
"Hello professor Josh it's so nice to see you again"
Mr Brian got up for a hug but he formally just shake his hands ,what an arrogant bastard.

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