Wedding vows or lies

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Her in the wedding gown is like sky with full of stars that wrapped around the moon itself for her special day. It's not that I like it,it's just she is  undeniably beautiful.
Her eyes are more golden in this dress and her long hair aren't the part of her face frame today, but few strands just escaped to be the part of the most beautiful sight. She is looking at me with the same eyes, as she looked at me that day on the bus. She is totally eye licking me right now, no shame , no fear just warming her eyes.
But as soon as she caught my eyes she diverted her's.
Her face is showing her anxiety, biting her bottom lips, cluching on the flowers nervously, as if she is getting married for real.
I'm not happy either, all this is just for my mom and right now she's so happy. She didn't leave her side for a second since she met her, Earlier she came to me and said with tears in her eyes "she called me mom and she is the most beautiful girls she ever seen and she'll treasure her for the lifetime".
Looking at her eyes filled with so much light , I felt as if someone moved the heaviest stone I've been carrying for eternity.
I have not seen mom talk like this for what feel like forever, and all I wanted her to get this smile of her back and because of this girl; she got it back.
I won't care for my life if it's for her, and this is just a marriage and that too fake one.

For my vows, I lied about loving her but it was not a total lie, she did  looked at me exactly like before; my vows were half truth half lie just like this marriage.

But her vows were totally a lie.
She said them looking at my neck, don't even dare to look into my eyes . She did glance at my eyes for like a second but that's all.
"I never had mom or dad ,all I had  was my friends and Mr and Mrs Brian and they are like treasures for me. Then you came and gave me love, mom and now a husband and a family. Like your love for me ; I'll treasure everything you'll give me for the rest of my life" ,she said and swallowed thickly.
I know she is lying but saying her last sentence she looked at me with something in her eyes, something the I want to beleive so bad.

"You are now husband and wife;you may now kiss the bride", the face she just made would make anyone beleive that she is innocent and don't go and fuck around like a slut.

I don't want my lips to get dirty ,but I also don't want my mom to be suspect anything. So I slid my hands to her waist and pulling her closer, I tilt her head to sideways, my thumb are on her lips and I kissed my thumb.
I only smelled her breath same as that night; like honey.
Everyone start cheering for us,she looked at me like I've stolen something from her; did she really thought I'll kiss her, well for her surprise not even in my dreams.
God know how many months these lips of her been to.

Then we did photo session with my mom, her weird friend and Mr Mrs Brian and some of my mom's friends and close acquaintance.

My mom got a solo pictures with her, She sat down on side of my mom's wheelchair and hugged her with those tiny hands, such an actor.
But the smile of her face feels so real, so generous, only I know how bad I want this to not be an act of her, I wish she could respect my mother for real because my mom, she is already in love with her.

After that we had lunch , she just ate jam on bread ,out of all the things I wasted my money on. But when my mom insisted on her having red cherry cake, she gladly had it.

My mom was arguing with me ,she wants to come home, but she can't. She's already out of hospital for 24 hours. I promised her mom that I'll take her home in few days and will surely come to her  tomorrow morning.
She wasn't listening to me nodding her head furiously, "I want to welcome my daughter, I can't let her be alone on her very special day."
So it's all her fault, what if my mom will get sick, will she treat her, I looked at her furiously and taking my eyes she got scared.
She immediately sat in front of mom, "You welcomed me here so well mom, I never felt this loved before,but for now your health is more important that welcoming me at home" she said holding hands with her.
Mom did looked convinced , she looked at me glaring.
"I promise mom,  I'll take you home soom", I said and my mom looked at her; really!
"I promise mom, we'll take you home", she only said it once and my mom agreed, damn this actor stole my mom.

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