Movie 🍿

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I have to give up infront of mom, she was so stubborn and that stupid she is  not good for anything, she wasn't even saying anything.

Right now ,we are in car going to mall. Mom is in back seat and grinny is in front. She is looking for some inspo for mom's clothing, mom asked her to do all this. She's looking something and then showing it to mom and I'm here driving like I'm their driver, they are not asking me anything.
"Got a driver,right?" I said giving a side look to grinny and she sit silent looking down; stupid.
"Hey why are you being angry at her, it's me who wanted to go, if you have any problem leave I can have someone to drive me to the mall",
mom snapped at me.

I don't get it why mom is taking her side so much , can't she see all this stupid is doing is just an act.

"Ya ya " I scoffed.

At mall I'm handling mom in wheel chair and this idiot is showing mom around like a ten year old child.

They have to go to ge women's section and mom asked me to stay out,"stay here we have private things to do", mom told me and asked grinny to take her in , grinny was about to take mom but when she met my eyes she stepped back looking at mom.
"It's more than enough that you are here away from home, hospital, you are not going anywhere without me ", I tell her, and she looked at grinny and her both talked with their eyes and smile silently.
"ok come on in then, but don't blame me " she said grinning.

"Why would I blame you", I tell her in almost pissed tone, but again she's my mom , she more smart mouth than me.

Grinny was showing mom some tops and dresses that they also saw in her phone, they are getting pretty well along, I never seen mom like this with anyone before.

"Come on Mr driver, take me to that section", my mom mocked me showing her finger to lingerie section. I gulped but maintaining my composure, I started take mom in that direction.
As I was walking, everyone around me looked at me as if  they saw penguin in zoo,I can't everyone is staring so bad at me and mom and grinny are just passing each other looks of, " see he is regretting now ".

Before entering that section I stopped ; embarassing shit.
"you take her in, I'm waiting for both of you right here" ,I tell grinny and mom laughed a little ,"I told yaa son"and grinny took her inside lingeri section.

I can see them at some distance, I try to divert my eyes but their conversation is pretty interesting.

In front of the side wall mom is arguing with Grinny and she is nodding her head no again and again.

Mom tell something to worker and she goes inside;what is going on!

grinny looks pretty embarassed, she's biting her lips and mom is laughing and telling her something.

When worker came she had some sexy lingerie with her and grinny put one of her hand on her face. Worker started showing her lingerie, it's in black lacy , dark red frock type,off shoulder thing ,
Grinny's eyes travelled to me and I retraced my eyes to other direction. I didn't looked at them again, may be they went somewhere else, I guess mom is buying those for her; she already have one at home mom!

After so long they came with three bags , grinny look all pink and mom is smiling at me.

"I heard there is good movie premiere at theatre here" ,mom tell me and I looked at grinny , "no..not me worker told her".

"Why are you always shooting glares at her; that's why she's so scared of what you'll say or what you'll think", mom said with a snappy sound.
And my heart shrink , did she told her everything ,why mom is saying like this.
"What did.. I",

"Now take me to movie and then dinner", she ordered me and I obediently follow it; mom's supremacy.

It is some sort of action movie and I definitely don't like it. First I was sitting with mom but she again snapped me and made me sit by grinny's side.

"Did you tell her anything", I said holding her wrist and she looked at mom and then me, "no si..r, I swear I didn't"

"Hey lovebirds shh!!" ,mom said pointing towards screen , movie begin.

Movie is quite nice , grinny is enjoying it more than me , should I give her a little break from enjoyment, there is this scene of swing, so I thought of asking her a physics question, it's related to the topic I taught last week.

"Which force is acting on swing" I asked her

"Huh what" she said being confused, "it's a physics question ,which force is acting on that swing when it goes up and after reaching ground it's kinetic energy".

Her face vanished from happy to serious,she narrowed her eyes at screen and tilted her head. After whole 5 minutes she opened her mouth; such and idiot, waste of my money,
I just completed this topic few days ago and this idiot is taking so much time to answer a very simple question.

"Kinetic energy will be zero and it's force of gravity I guess, "zero?" ,I said raising my eyebrows and she nodded her head in yes,"yes sir" , she herself is confused, I'm wasting my money on this dumb ass.
"I'll see you at him; idiot" I whispered gritting my teeth.

After that we head for dinner , mom was wispering something to grinny while eyeing me and she was just looking down at her food nodding her head in response. God knows what's going on ,I'll ask this idiot about it at home

Author's note- thanks for reading.
Tell me if I should post some more pictures describing how hot Josh is in my imagination.
I have some ideas tho!
Also there may be some spelling and grammatical mistakes, please avoid it little and be humble to me.
Tell me where they are and I'll correct them.
And please vote ❤️

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