It's Been A While

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"Hey loser! Wanna help us set up the tree?", Mary shouted as I walked pass the living room. My two sisters were home now since it's the beginning of their Christmas break. They were lining up Christmas lights and tree decorations on the floor.

"Sure, whatever," I said sounding disappointed since I was just going to grab a snack in the kitchen then run back up to my room to have a How I Met Your Mother marathon. The two of them placed different ornaments like balls, angels, and teddy bears on the sides of the tree's leaves, while I was in charge of surrounding it with Christmas lights. After a few minutes, they were already satisfied with what they have done, so they called me to do my job now. I picked up the multi-color rice lights, started from the bottom of the tree going up, making sure that the twists and turns of the string of lights were clean and elegant to look at. Okay, I may be a little over-compulsive.

"There you go. Done. I'm going upstairs and enjoy my marathon, If you don't mind," I said as I walked towards the stairs. But then suddenly mom called my attention.

"Actually! I do mind. Could you do me a favor and bring these boxes of cookies I baked to your Uncle Joe's house?" Mom asked with a sweet smile on her face while handing me 4 medium-sized boxes filled with chocolate chip cookies.

"Wait--- why me?! Isn't Uncle Joe coming over here? I mean... he was here yesterday!" I said sounding worried as ever.

"Unfortunately for you, your dad and Uncle Joe went somewhere, and I don't know what time they'll be back. Just bring that to them now! It's freshly baked so they'll enjoy it!" Mom was now pushing me towards the front door.

"WAIT! Why can't Mary and Mariel do it?! They're older!" I shouted.

"Honey, this isn't about age. Now Gooooooo!" She pushed me harder towards the door. I wasn't walking anymore, I was just letting my slippers slide on the floor.

"Come on mom! They can do it! I mean, they're barely here during the usual days. I bet all of the neighbors would like to see how they're doing now!"

"No more, young lady!" She stopped pushing me since I was already outside at the patio, "I'm asking your sisters to do the other decorations outside. Now, just drop those boxes off, greet everyone, ask how they're doing, and go back home! How easy is that? Go! Socialize!" I looked at mom angrily, but she just gave me an annoying smile. I turned around and I heard mom closing the door.

Oh, whatever. Let's just get this over with. I crossed the road, not looking right and left anymore since there weren't any cars now. It was snowing a little too much today, it almost covered my ankle-high boots and it's still morning. As I neared the door, I can already hear voices coming from inside.

I pressed the door bell of apartment number 5B and waited outside. And as I waited there, I couldn't make up my mind about how I felt. I felt nervous because I didn't know who was going to answer the door. Somehow, I wished it was just Aunt Manna, so I could just politely say Hello, give the boxes and go back home. Honestly, I didn't want Jeff to answer it. I think it would feel awkward. I haven't talked to him, like a long conversation with him, for months now. We just greeted each other whenever we were outside. It's sad though, I mean, we just live right across each other. We've hung out lots of times during the summer, but since school started, that ended. There were even times when I think that he was avoiding seeing me. I was positive that he saw me already looking at him, but he just continued walking towards his car.

I heard footsteps getting louder, the door opened, and I saw Cris. Phew! Thank you universe!

"Leena! Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in a while! How are you?" She said while happily embracing me tightly. I hugged her back, holding the 4 boxes with just my other hand.

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