Life Is Like Math (Part 2)

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"Alright champions! WAKE UP! We're home," the driver yelled. And when I opened my eyes, the beautiful orange afternoon sun disappeared and a bright full moon took it's place. As the van pulled up in the school's parking lot, we could already see the sparkling lights that covered the whole gymnasium. There was a wide red carpet outside leading to the front door, and when you peeked through the door you could already see so many people inside.

"Oh wow," Alexa whispered while looking straight at the gymnasium door.

"The school really made it like a... Hollywood-y like theme," Stevie said while struggling with his words.

"Well, what do you say? Let's check it out!" Ms. Avana said excitedly.

"What?!" Alexa said immediately.

"Yeah Ms. Avana, look at us! We're wearing skinny jeans, doll shoes and the school's pullover sweater!"

"Ahem. Not all of us!" Stevie replied.

"HAHA. Sorry Stevie. But come on, you get the point," I said back to him.

"Okaaay. Come on, just a little peak!" Ms. Avana insisted.

"Why? To make us feel more miserable?" Alexa asked with her serious face, then after a few seconds her frown turned into a smile. "Just joking! Fine! But only for a while."

We stepped out of the van and walked on the soft red carpet lined outside of the gym. No one was outside anymore, so we just enjoyed ourselves walking on that red carpet, taking our time. When we finally reached the door, we saw the whole gym ceiling covered with different kinds of whimsical chandelier and big shiny crystals. It was like we walked into Elsa's ice castle from Frozen. Everyone was already on the dance floor, dancing to the slightly-classic but slightly-pop music with their dates. Alexa, Stevie and I stood by the door together with Ms. Avana who was still admiring the beautiful ceiling.

Then suddenly, all of the lights dimmed, then a single white spotlight lit up on the middle of the dance floor.

"Ooooh boy, what the hell is happening?!" Stevie asked while slightly panicking.

The spotlight slowly moved... towards our direction. Then suddenly, someone was speaking through the huge speakers that surrounded the edge of every wall. "LADIES and GENTLEMEN!"

"HOLY CRAP," Alexa shouted too, "I know I've been saying these 2 words a lot but... HOLY CRAP. LEENA!" Alexa grabbed my arm and started stepping backwards slowly. Stevie on the other hand, was frozen.

"Okaaaay, we just carefully and slowly, step back a little," I said while holding the 2 of them. But then, BAM. Too late, I felt Ms. Avana stood right behind us, and the spotlight was now blinding our eyes. Everyone looked towards us and stopped dancing.

And me? Well, I was about to puke. I have never had this much people look at me at the same time. Alexa and I stared at each other.

Then, I heard the voice from the speakers again, and as I looked towards the stage, it was our principal's voice.

"Students and guests! Please welcome three of our beloved students who had been sent to join the Annual Math Competition held this morning up to this afternoon at the State University," the principal said. Everyone cheered and clapped.

Alexa and I politely smiled and we gave a small wave, even though half of her body was behind mine. I looked at Stevie and he was giving one of his awkward smiles. But heck, I bet all of our smiles were awkward.

"Not only did they participate, but they also took home.... first prize! PLUS! A free admittance to Oakland University! Congratulations my students! Enjoy this wonderful evening." The principal shouted, then suddenly, the trophy that was with us in the van was now in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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