Chapter 1

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"Ngh..." You slowly gained consciousness. "What- Where am I? Why is it so dark?" You jolted and looked around only to see pitch black and emptiness, however, the place you were in had small space; limiting your body movements. You knocked on each of the walls then kicked the one that seemed like a door or something.


You successfully got out of the tight space and saw a classroom but unsure whether it really was one because your vision was quite blurred from the sudden vibrant colours flooding into your eyes. "And that makes 17," A familiar voice was heard across the room, you saw green hair. "Wait, Rantaro?" You thought to yourself.

Wait wait, something is not right. He's fiction, why am I seeing him? Am I hallucinating? Oh my god, I should've listened to my mum when she told me to stop watching so much Danganronpa series because I might get schizophrenia. I'm so stupid UGGGGGH!!

You mentally face palmed and quickly look around to see that, maybe this is reality. You saw every character in Danganronpa v3. You rubbed your eyes to ensure your vision, and it was still them staring at you in curiosity. "Wait but wouldn't that change the whole game because of my presence, this'll be interesting..." You quietly chuckled after everyone started talking to each other again.

"It's time to shine, ursine!" Monokuma said with delight. "Oh, of course, the only thing that would use that line over 100 times would be that stupid ugly ferocious bear." You looked at it in disgust while still thinking to yourself.

This really is me, in this fictional world.

Suddenly 5 large mechanical robots suddenly appeared in front of everyone, "Quick! Everyone hide behind Gonta, Gonta big so Gonta can protect all," He shouted. Everyone ran behind him and peered out to see what they were.

"We're not going to hurt you... Unless you hurt us first," Monophanie got out of her Exisal and soon after every other Monokubs joined her. "Stuffed bears are talking?" Tenko muttered a bit too loud for everyone to hear. "We're not stuffed bears!" Montaro squealed in anger. "We're the Monokubs!" The kubs exclaimed in unison.

"Wait a second, I don't think they got their memory yet," Monokid whispered to the other kubs, they all nodded. "Wait, if they're going to add the fabricated memory then will my memories all disappear? I mean I won't mind, that'll be fair and square." You thought to yourself then shrugged.

Suddenly, the Monokubs chucked clothes at us and we suddenly wore the clothes that they threw. You were excited for this, you weren't exactly scared because you had no idea how traumatising this would be.

Everyone fainted along with you.

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