Chapter 9

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You woke extremely late. You only woke up because of the thud on your door and then a bust, hearing your door burst open from sudden force. "Oh my god, what the hell. What did you do to my door." You glared at the mysterious figure, it was Gonta. "Oh! I'm sorry, Gonta. What would you like," you apologized, knowing he was a sweetheart. "Sorry, Gonta didn't mean to make Y/n scared... and see Y/n like... this." Gonta bowed with a flustered face. You forgot that you were only wearing your undergarments but ignored it. Gonta then quickly continued to talk "Gonta was told to check up on you because you not there!" You smiled and nodded. He shut the door again but instead, there was a knock. "L/n Y/n!"



"Ahem, it is I, the headmaster. Is here to talk to you, privately." The door shut on its own as Monokuma started walking towards you. "Upupupu, how interesting." He chuckled deviously. You stared with disgust in your face. "What do you want, Walmart version of animatronic that has children and no life." You rolled your eyes. "You could be killing us but here you are, FUCKING WITH OUR LIVES!" (If you get the reference then you're like the loml). You screamed at him, he didn't budge one bit and instead stared at you. "You seem like you'd make an interesting mastermind, upupu!" "Of course, the viewers will enjoy it." You scowled as he flinched. "Wh-what? V-viewers? I don't know a-anything like t-that," Monokuma acted dumb but he was obviously humiliating himself. "Jeez, as long it makes things more interesting then I'll do it. Cuz' this is soooo boring." You let out a sigh, you didn't know but it was clear that you were going crazy with the power you received. "Upupu, so you accept the offer?" Monokuma asked. "As long as I'm entertained," you smirked and soon swirls manifested your iris. "You're like the exact copy!" Monokuma exclaimed, you, once again, looked confused. "Everyone says I'm a copy of something- what am I a copy of?" You didn't get the idea. Well- you were acting a bit like Nagito but not exactly because he had a crazy obsession about hope and despair. 

"Ignore what I said, you're the new mastermind now. Upupu!" Monokuma chuckled. You let out a menace of laughter, making Monokuma get confused. "Why are you laughing?" He cocked his head. "No-no, it's nothing. You're just so idiotic." You kept laughing as Monokuma started to get annoyed, his face turned a bit red but soon left the room. "We need to get the viewers entertained. We have another poll soon, come to the hidden room." Monokuma then vanished. You sighed, getting out of your bed and putting your clothes on. I wonder, will this make me feel any more happy? You left your room and you went to the field where Kokichi was vandalizing the rock. "Wow, didn't expect you to be here." You scoffed as Kokichi jumped and turned around. "Oh, hey! Y/n..." He was sweating, you weren't supposed to see him drawing on the rock. "Writing HORSEA?" You asked in a teasing manner. "How-" I can see the writing over there, wait- is that a lie? You'll never know," you put your index finger near your lips. Mimicking his behaviour. "Hey! That's my line, copycat!" He pointed at you, pouting. "Haha.... Haha..." You laughed lightly. "Weirdo," he rolled his eyes and left. You frowned while he was leaving. Only if he stayed just a little longer. 

You then went to the dining hall where everyone was gathering for the flashback light. They were discussing about the Ultimate Hunt, however, they were all confused why they can't remember anything else. "Oh hey!" Rantaro walked over to you, you waved in reply as he started talking. "You came here just in time, well, a little late. There was this flashback light and it helped us gain memories again, but, it only gives us specific parts of the memory. It was like- about the Ultimate Hunt." He explained. "Oh- what's the Ultimate hunt?" You asked, pretending to be unaware. You knew damn well what it was about, the Gofer Project, the last 16 students that were stuck in a killing school because despair took over. But none of that was true because this was all fiction. 

"The thing is that we don't know either, I wish we knew." He sighed, looking at the floor. And also, some labs were unlocked. Maki's guarding her lab, while the others were going through each other's lab." Rantaro shrugged and looked at you, "What were you doing?" He asked. "Oh, I overslept." You weren't lying, in fact, it was true. "Ah- there's a new motive, apparently it's coming tomorrow." He said, you cocked your head, "Tomorrow? Why did they tell us beforehand?" Rantaro shrugged again. You chuckled then sighed. "Well, I'm going to join in going through other's labs. You wanna join?" He offered then you declined. Making an excuse to go, Rantaro didn't buy it but still went away. Before he fully left, he looked at you and spoke, "I don't know what you're hiding but I hope you'll confess sooner or later." 

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