Chapter 14

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I'm so sorry guys for not updating for 2 months, I fell out of this fandom but I'm still writing!

TW: gore

"Huh?" Kaito was the first to make noise after Ryoma had spoken. "W-what do you mean?!" He choked out, desperate for an answer. Maki, a quiet and fragile-looking girl was a cold-hearted killer, of course, it shook Kaito a lot- especially with his agenda.

"I mean it, I did it to ensure all of our security," Ryoma admitted, shuffling away loudly. "I had her motive video."

"Puhuhu, let me show it to you all on my monitor!" Monokuma exclaimed, pressing a button that made a monitor appear. 

On the monitor, it showed a vibrant image of Maki's name with stars all over it, and some text on the bottom that said "'s motive video". 
"Maki Harukawa," Monokuma's voice was heard from the monitor. "The Ultimate Assassin, ruthlessly killing people. A true malice undercover, however, she had a soft spot for somebody." Monokuma chuckled. Then an image showed a very buff teenage girl, she had white hair and a tan body with slight visible scars all over them. Her face was covered on purpose. "It's so unfortunate that she had to meet a terrible fate," he said nonchalantly. The image changed to the girl sitting on a chair, looking miserable with blood dripping down from her head as it stained her white hair. "I'll give you a hand on this one, kill somebody within 36 hours and you will get to escape and meet your friend, I'm sure that's easy because we provided you with LOTS of weapons," Monokuma's maniac smile was clear, although that was his default face, it felt more sinister. 
"Unless this is given to somebody else... The benefit will also apply the same way!" Monokuma cheered. Then the screen was shut off and the monitor was gone. Everyone faced Ryoma with horror written all over their face. 

Ryoma huffed and looked away. 
"Look, THIS is crazy," Rantaro said calmly. "Though, I have a question, Ryoma," he faced the murderer with a tendered expression.
"What's up," Ryoma said.

"I'm assuming Maki didn't see the motive video, what made you think she would be dangerous?" Rantaro asked.
"Thought you'd ask," Ryoma muttered under his breath. "If you watched the video clearly," he looked over to Monokuma, Monokuma understood the situation and clicked a button. It made the monitor appear and stop at a certain timing. "Monokuma says that 'it's easy because they provided her with lots of weapon," he paused for a moment. The motive video played again and said the exact same thing he said. "Maki was provided with weapons in god knows where, I'm almost sure if she was *gone*, all the weapons provided will be gone and the threat would, also, be gone." He explained.

"That sounds kind of stupid," Kokichi snorted.


"What do you mean? Ryoma has a good justification," Kaito cocked his head. The big empty headed goatee man itched his head like an idiot. 

"Ugh, alright I'll explain it to you. God, you're stupider than that stupid whore over there!" Kokichi exclaimed as he pointed at Miu. 

"Shut up, midget!" Miu screamed back, annoyed and pissed.

"Whatever," Kokichi rolled his eyes. "Anyways, Ryoma, you said-" he paused. "Monokuma said that Maki was provided with a LOT of weapon, amirite?" He asked to the other people and him.

"Correcto," Y/n nodded her head, which Shuichi also nodded after.

"If you heard that, you should have checked her lab!" Kokichi had a smug look on his face. "'Cuz, I did. And say, she uses her weapons. That would make her an easy suspect because she keeps protecting her lab and there are no weapons available in the other labs. So, with what evidence are you assuming that she could murder easily despite her skills?" Kokichi asked looking at Monokuma with his big beautiful amethyst eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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