Again - Hajime/Izuru

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It's their Birthday! I also like the two contrary characters a lot, it's interesting how the opposites are united as one.


I walked alone today again, it's been so long since Hajime left me and went missing. The school announced that he left for a normal school because Hajime wasn't 'feeling it' anymore. It was a bunch of bullshit, yeah. I kicked a stone that lay on the brick floor, I watched it skid and hit a girl's bondage shoe. I lift my head, oh. Junko, my other best friend. 

She was like my second-best friend, right behind Hajime. It was inevitable that we'd be close because I am the Ultimate Model and she is the Ultimate Fashionista, or Ultimate Despair. I knew the secret about her because I was with her the whole time, from kids to now, and the fact that I was one of them. Not that I was obsessed with the feeling of despair or hope. Simply someone that she thinks is useful.

"Oh hey, Pookie!" Junko exclaimed, running toward me with her high heels click-clacking. "I have someone to show you, it'll be so awesome," her voice was squealing like hell. I guess it's something she can't hide her excitement this time.

"Sister, I don't kno-" Mukuro was interrupted by Junko.

"Shut up, you fat pig." Junko insulted Mukuro, and Mukuro began to blush a lot. There's something weird about her, I swear.

"Come, come!" Junko dragged me toward school again, I just left that place. She yanked my wrist as we walked with Mukuro following us close behind to protect in case. I didn't know where we were going, I was blanking out about the fact that I didn't know where Hajime went. Once I realised that I was no longer dragged, I was in a dark room. "Can't turn the lights cuz he hates brightness," Junko explained. My lips curled into an 'o' to show that I understood.

There it was, crimson red eyes piercing through my soul. Our eyes made contact and now was locked. For a long time, the eyes stared. Next to me was Junko fidgeting with something until light flashed at the figure with red eyes.

"Kamukura, Kamukura yas queen!" She exclaimed. "This is the Ultimate Hope! Can you believe it, I'm so honoured!" Junko ran toward the boy with glistening eyes and within a blink of an eye, her body was under his shoe. "Hk-" Junko gagged. This wasn't the first time something like this happened, I didn't care. I looked at this "Kamakura" guy again, for some reason he looked familiar.

"Uhm, Junko," I muttered out, Junko lifted her head up to look at me. She made out a large grin and gave me a thumbs up. 

"How dare you hurt my sister-" Mukuro dashed and she was smashed against the wall, now on the floor groaning in agony. The boy's long black hair moved smoothly when he turned to look at me directly. Kamukura wore a dark suit like a formal business man that needs to go to a meeting, which looked like the suit that Hajime once wore before.

"Well, we're going to get you outta here!" Junko grunted as she stood up from the floor. She dusted her outfit and placed her hands on her hips. Kamukura only grunted in response, which Junko assumed it was a yes for some reason and dragged me and him out of here, ignoring Mukuro for some reason. She'll probably find her way somehow. 

"Junko, who is he?" I asked with curiosity, Junko looked at me and blinked once- twice in awkwardness.

"This is Izuru Kamukura! He has every talent in the whole world," Junko explained. I nodded and looked at him again. Something is familiar about him, I can't point out what though. 

"How boring," Izuru mumbled, he continued to stare blankly at a wall. 

"Kamukura, senpai!" Junko jumped up and down. "This is Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Model, my bestie!" She squealed as she squeezed me. When I looked at him once more out of interest, he seemed to raise his eyebrow at me, however, didn't say a word.


Ever since Junko and Mukuro commenced the killing game, they were long gone- dead. Y/n's friends were technically all wiped out, except Izuru, who was almost invincible to everything. To avenge her death, Y/n would start her own small despair group - Class 77B, her own class.

Buildings were often exploded from Y/n who was using it as a coping mechanism, something that she did with her two best friends. Y/n wouldn't even flinch whenever grenades and bombs were thrown in mid air, when the atmosphere was intoxicated, she didn't react. Y/n only felt a bit of happiness returning to her when this continued to happen. 

Izuru would stand by Y/n's side and look at her intrigued. He found her quite, abnormal for enjoying criminal activities with little to no reaction. 

"Doesn't it scare you?" Izuru spoke with a monotone voice. Y/n looked up to him and tilted her head.

"What do you mean, "scare me"?" She asked in confusion. It just didn't get to her head about how immoral this was. "Well, it helps me blow some steam," Y/n explained, muttering the answer.

"Hm," he hummed. "What steam," it was almost as if Izuru was demanding her to answer from how aggressive his tone sounded even if it was unintentional.

"Well, I lost nearly all my friends. Three of them," Y/n sat on an undamaged rooftop edge, swaying her feet side to side. Izuru sat beside her but sat still with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. Not in anger but in a puzzled way. 

"Who's the other one?" Izuru huffed out his question.

"You don't know who," Y/n giggled, yanking out grenades from her pocket at the buildings. "But if you want to know so badly, it's Hajime Hinata." She made out a smile that was bittersweet. "He was such an intelligent and talented one. Though, Hajime couldn't realise it because society thought otherwise," Y/n said, still looking at the despair inducing view. The sky was red from the intoxication and there was fire everywhere. She sighed, believing that Hajime really left the school for a silly reason. 

"I see, how... interesting," Izuru admitted reluctantly, never has he thought he'd say that word, ever. Y/n looked at him as Izuru's eyes widened. His head turned around to see a short brunette standing defensively. "How predictable, it is plainly boring to stand such a way," Kamukura muttered out, staring at the boy.

"Y-you two- we were looking for yo-"

"Na-uh, No way, Jose," Y/n laughed out loud, a menacing and twisted grin made up to her face and walked up to the short boy. "You're pretty short and cute despite how scary you're trying to act, I be-"

A dart stabbed her, soon she fainted and Izuru stared at his friend's unconscious body. His eyes stared at the shortie again but with hatred and anger. However, Izuru didn't defend himself, he didn't see a reason to. 

The two were sent into the Neo-World Program for some rehabilitation including Y/n's mini group of despairful classmates. Maybe, just maybe, Y/n still had some of her memories. 

"Where the hell am I?!" Y/n exclaimed. She looked around all panicked before her eyes were set on a particular guy. The boy was talking with a grey haired girl with a bunny hoodie. He awkwardly chuckled from afar but Y/n didn't care.

Y/n's eyes were glistening with tears, she reached out and hugged him tight.

"You won't believe how much I missed you," Y/n whispered under her breath. The boy's breath hitched and shuddered in shock. Y/n figured it out, she realised that he would never know who she was. She took a deep breath. "Ah, silly me. Hi, I'm Y/n. The Ultimate Model," she smiled, lightly letting go of the frank boy.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Y/n. My name's Hajime Hinata."


I love this so much, should I make a story or something?!

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