Chapter 8

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Your first trial- how bad can it be?

"Um, Gonta not know how to start..." Gonta quietly muttered. You also shrugged and looked at Monokuma for answers. "Ahem, listen carefully because I'm not repeating what I'm going to say. So basically you make arguments for the culprit then vote for "whodunnit". If you guess correctly, then only the blackened will get punishment... otherwise, besides the culprit, you're all going to receive the punishment instead. Pupupu! Isn't it exciting, are ya pumped? It's starting... now!" Monokuma put both of his paws up in the air to show true enjoyment. Well, that's one way to look entertaining to the audience. 

"Okay, let's remember our no-no-no rules!" Tenko exclaimed, "No touching, no pushing, no talking!!" She exclaimed louder and was soon replied with a disagreement by Keebo who said that this requires communication. Soon, everyone was arguing and screaming random crap at each other that didn't make any sense. You stared at what was happening and whispered to Rantaro who stared blankly at this ferocious scene "What a bunch of idiots?" Rantaro shook his head "They're just new, after all." You rolled your eyes at how nice Rantaro was.

--Non-stop Debate!--

"Tsumugi's body was found just before the time limit, right?" Tenko asked.

"He was killed in the library." Kiyo continued.

"Tsumugi was alone in the library," Angie said soon after. "The culprit could've snuck up on her!" Angie started smiling as light shined on her body.

"What was she even doin' in the library anyway?" Ryoma stared at the ground while asking. 

"She was opening that moving bookcase for one reason..." Kaito muttered, sounding confident. "Cuz she knew about that hidden door. That means Tsumugi is masterminding the whole time!" He yelled after. 

"No, that's wrong!" Kaede yelled. Everyone turned to her to see what she had to say. "Tsumugi didn't have the key card on her." Kaede defended her. "Perhaps the culprit took the key card after killing Tsumugi?" Keebo suggested, trying to find more possibilities. "But none of the photos show Tsumugi holding the key card. "That's right!" 


You were shocked that Rantaro joined in, seems like he's going to bring up the card key that you and him saw earlier. "There was a card key earlier hidden in a book, it seems like that was the way of accessing the hidden room. Am I right, Y/n?" Rantaro looked over to you as everyone started staring at you for an answer. "Yes, that's right. Me and Rantaro found a card key, however, we didn't test it out to ensure that it was the actual way of accessing the place." You added on to make sure it doesn't become the false information. "Enough about this boring stuff," Kokichi yelled, now everyone started looking at him weirdly as if he was speaking in a foreign language. "How about the murder weapon, that seems wayy more fun!" His eyes glimmered in excitement. "Actually, we don't know... there's no evidence of any weapons around the body or room. The only information we have is that it's a blunt object due to the blow on her head." Maki remarked. 

"Wait, don't you have photos from Monophanie?" You asked, "Oh yeah, the photos! Wouldn't it help us find the culprit because it'll probably be caught on the camera, ya know?" Kokichi exclaimed. Everyone started becoming eager to see the photos that Shuichi had. He looked around and grabbed the photos from his pocket. The photos that were supposed to be of Rantaro was replaced by Tsumugi who was caught opening the door and covering the camera. However, there were no information about the murder weapon or the culprit. Everyone sighed in disappointment, nothing led them closer to the culprit.

"How come the camera didn't take a photo?" Korekiyo asked, "I... don't know... Miu was the one who created them." Kaede itched her cheek due to how awkward it was. "Oh, I made the camera have senses on them. Making them take a picture after thirty seconds and start recording after." Miu said happily, "I know, I'm such a genius!" She kept complimenting herself. "Wait- you didn't tell me that!" Kaede exclaimed to Miu, Miu sulked in fear and then fought back. "Oh- but I told your boyfriend about it-" "You mean, Shuichi?" Rantaro asked quite confused. "..." 

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