Chapter 5

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"Over there," Shuichi pointed at the disguised Monokuma who called himself a Jibanyan, "I'm the new headmaster, Kuma!" He exclaimed to everyone in the place to hear. "Upupupu! You kids better listen, Kuma," he spoke with pride. "That's a very poor cosplay..." Tsumugi commented on his outfit. Everyone else was shivering violently, too shocked that the hope they had was gone so fast. "Oh," Monokuma replied to the hateful comment. "Well, I'm Monokuma. I have multiple copies of me anyway." He admitted reluctantly, Monokuma then took off his poor-quality costume that was assumedly made within seconds.

"No way, I thought Papa's too old for that." "Daddy's too cheap for death," the Monokubs quietly muttered to each other. "Well, I'm back kids," Monokuma stood proud. "I thought you died, papa!" "I missed you!" The Monokubs ran and hugged Monokuma. "You kids are so cute that I want to lick you!" Lick them. What? Then Monokuma started licking the Monokubs with his long sharp tongue. EWWWW!!! 

You mentally vomited in disgust, you were sure that everyone else was too. Their face said everything. "Papa, we're one of a kind, right? You said we were like snowflakes for being unique," Monokid asked with his eyes/beads shimmering at Monokuma. Monokuma's sweat dropped a bit and then disappeared altogether.

"Well, that was something." You whispered to who you thought was Kaede but it was Kokichi. "Hm? What'd you say?" Kokichi asked loudly. "Nothing..." You quietly replied. "Hey, can we hang out?" You asked, Kokichi looked at you in the eyes, clearly a bit confused. He just chuckled and grabbed your wrist to where he used to be before Monokuma appeared. 


Kokichi glared at you, with nothing coming out of his mouth. "You want to talk to me, eh? You must be pretty reckless! I'm the Supreme Leader, you know? Neehehe." He talked egoistically. You brushed it off and quickly replied, "You're the leader of a secret 'evil' organization and have over 10,000 members in it. What else is there?" You talked, a bit bored that he said exactly the same thing from the free time events. He stood there in shock, he wasn't expecting you to say the things he was going to say soon later. "Y-you stalker WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He cried crocodile tears. You started to feel less bored after he gave a different and new reaction that was less predictable. "You know, Kokichi." You said smiling. "You're quite interesting, perhaps we could be friends?" Slowly, you lent a hand for him to shake. 



"What?" He stared, giving a genuine confused reaction. "Yeah, so will you?" You gestured to him, desperate for him to be your friend. "Neehehe, Y/n-chan. You really are reckless." He shook your hand happily, while your eyes started to shine uncontrollably.


You were shaking his continuously until he talked, "Uhm, so can you let go or something. You're kind of getting boring," annoyingly. "Oh, right. Yes, sorry." You couldn't make up your words because you were way too excited about what was going on. "Joking! That was a lie, or is it?" He chuckled like a child, gosh he looked so adorable. You quickly reached your pocket and grabbed out Sukiyaki Caramel. "Is that for me?" Kokichi asked in a whining-similar tone. You nodded and gave him the caramel. "Woooah! This is niiiice! I always wanted something like this! By the way, that's not a lie, 'kay? Don't worry, I'm actually happy." He grinned ear to ear before skipping into his dorm. (Not even a goodbye? Dang, that hurt.) You mentally cried and put your hand on your chest visibly showing that you were disappointed. 


You met Miu again, she seemed to be focused on something, leaning on her dorm door, she looked scared as well. "Hey, Miu?" You asked, putting both of your hands behind your back: making you appear like a kid. "Hu- wha- Oh it's just you..." Miu trailed off. "T-Thanks for calling me a genius... I guess, but I know that I am gorgeous! Especially my soft body," Miu grabbed her chest and smiled. "Haha yeah, you're really pretty. I wish I was just as pretty," you complimented her again. It wasn't that you were insecure, you're very attractive. It's just that you wanted to get closer to her. She looked way more happier than when she was alone. "Haha! I know, be jealous. Hey, you're not too bad." She scoffed then started blushing, "Um, this is a bit embarrassing..." Miu slightly itched her cheek with her index finger. 

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