Chapter 11

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It was night, I had a good time today despite Kaede's execution and Tsumugi's death. It didn't bother me, really. For some reason, I grew more careless and laid back. My fears became less severe as this game drove me slightly insane. I lay on my comfortable bed as I looked at the ceiling. Slowly blinking, my eyes drooped low as my slumber began.


I woke up by the sound of the morning announcement which pissed me off. Is it just me or do the Monokubs represent the warriors of hope? Nah, just me. I shook off the thought and changed into my fresh new clothes. My hair whipped out like I was a hot girl- I like that hehe. I looked over and began walking over and stripping my clothes off to shower. I went into the shower stall and turned on the hot water that flicked onto my skin. Each droplet hit my skin as it fell onto the ground with a loud sound, I groaned softly as I slowly rubbed my hair which created bubbles from the shampoo. Soon they were all gone from the hot water and now I brushed my hair with my fingers to condition it, they were also somewhat washed off from the water. Squirting some body wash onto my loofah, I rubbed it with my hands to create shit tons of bubbles and started to rub it on my body. I let out a hum during the time then rinsed it off. 

Slowly going out, I quickly whipped my towel on my wet hair. A towel was covering the majority of my body because I was still wet from the shower. 

Knock, knock

"Is someone there?" I yelled out but there was no reply, instead, the knock was repeated. I grunted as I opened the door, it was Kokichi. I rolled my eyes and shot him a glare. "What do you want?" I muttered.

"Nee-hehe," he smiled ear to ear, with a hint of blush across his face. "I thought you DIED!" Kokichi exclaimed. "No, I'm kidding. Have ya seen the motive?" He asked as he put his arms behind his head, supporting it. I tilted my head in confusion.

"What?" My voice sounded too aggressive than I thought but it was a little too late. He blinked his eyes once or twice awkwardly before pointing something behind me.

"Over there, the monopad," Kokichi stated with no emotions. I looked over, turning around and noticing that there was a tablet on the table. 

"Huh," I looked over back to him again. He made out a large grin on his face, it made me flinch but whatever. "Thanks, can I wear my clothes now?" I asked with a snare. His face turned more pink, blood flowing to his head as he nodded. Then a loud thud was created, and Kokichi shut the door on me. I shrugged then went to wear my clothes. 

I didn't notice it but now that I did, I walked over and picked up the motive video. I wonder, do they even know anything about me? I turned it on and it sparked out "Y/n L/n's motive video" with stars all over. I watched it but it says something along these lines:
"Sorry, you do not have anyone that you find important right now." 
I don't know, I shrugged it off. Then left it on the floor and smashed it with my foot. I flung the door open and left.

Skipping my way to the academy, everyone began whispering about the motive that they received. Just like the plot: Shuichi got Kaito's as Kokichi got his own... etc. But... Rantaro on the other hand... I made something just for him! Something much more delightful than anyone others.

By the thought of that, I let out a giggle which caught Rantaro's attention, for some reason specifically him. He walked over and let out a warm smile, waving as Rantaro began to talk.

"Hey, L/n-chan," he spoke softly- almost like Rantaro was humming instead of speaking. I looked over with a smile back at him. 

"Hi, Rantaro!" I waved innocently, we walked over to the table and sat next to each other as I shuffled closer to him awkwardly. "So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"I know you're hiding something, quit acting all dumb," Rantaro spoke with glaring eyes staring through my soul. I swallowed a lump of saliva in fear.

"Mate, you caught me! Hehe," I joked happily. He shook his head, unsatisfied with my answer. "Fine, fine. You actually caught me," I pouted while crossing my arms together, drooping my lips lower to look adorable too. "I was in the previous game..." I confessed. Rantaro shook his head again. 

"You already told me that, what are you really hiding?" Rantaro looked at me with slight disgust. It made me feel quite guilty and sad, I hated it when people looked at me that way. So I did the same back. 

"You're hiding things too, how about you tell me first?" I asked with attitude, his eyes widened then avoided eye contact with me. Then Rantaro clicked his tongue in annoyance, showing his pissed side but I didn't care. I stared at him, attempting to look intimidating. 

"Look, L/n-" 

"Y/n-Chan! Let's goo!" I was saved by Kokichi dragging me out of the place. I sighed in relief but Rantaro's face turned dark like mushrooms growing on his head. It made me feel pity for him as he disappeared from my sight. Now all I saw was Kokichi. "Y/n-Chan~ What were you doingg??" Kokichi asked as he continuously swayed his head side to side quickly. 

"I mean- well. Nevermind," I said hesitantly. He awkwardly blinked a few times before speaking.

"I have a plan for the motive we received! Are you willing to join, Miss Genius?" Kokichi offered as he lent a hand towards me, I felt a weird tingling feeling send through my body. Swallowing hard, I accepted as I shook his hand just like before. Kokichi smiled, making me flustered. "Neehehe, feels great having a useful person by my side!" He exclaimed.

I shook my head in confusion- what does he mean by that?

"Hey... What do you mean?" I muttered, Kokichi flinched then tried to make me forget about it. Which didn't go away, the thought remained.

-(Skipping the Greet and Meet thing until Y/n and Kokichi decides to go)

"Kokichi, let's go!" Y/n exclaimed, Kokichi nodded and gave everyone a good goodbye. Hopefully they make it out alive after this. 

"Sooo, you go do girls. I do the boys!" Kokichi exclaimed. Y/n cringed at how he worded it. "What?" He asked. Y/n shook her head then began going through all the girls' dorms for the motive video. She opened every single one of them until Maki was the last one.

"Alright, let's do this." She spoke. Y/n opened the door wide open and saw something she would have never imagined. 

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