Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry for not being active, I had another writing project. I can post it if you want, but maybe later.


Y/n was sitting on a bench all by herself in the courtyard, she didn't have anything to do. Well, until Shuichi walked over to Y/n and sat next to her. He gave her a weak smile before opening his mouth to speak. 
"Hey," Shuichi said awkwardly. Shuichi was still not used to talking to people after what happened with Kaede. Y/n, who was blanking out with a subtle look on her face. She didn't have much to think about, rather confused about what made her travel dimensions. "Y/n?" He mumbled under his breath. Y/n shook her head and rubbed her eyes with her delicate hands, she looked over to Shuichi and gave him a wide smile. 
"Oh hi!" She said, her voice sounded vocal and smooth. She closed her eyes as she smiled, making Shuichi slightly blush. "What's up, Shuichi?" Y/n asked, fluttering her eyes back open as her eyelashes batted unconsciously.
"N-not much..." Shuichi muttered. "I just didn't have anyone else to hang out with," he chuckled nervously. Y/n cocked her head in confusion, what does he mean?
"Everyone likes you, Shuichi. What do you mean that you don't have anyone else to hang out with?" Y/n asked, squinting her eyes to exaggerate her confusion. Shuichi sighed and looked at Y/n. 

"Not really, I was just hoping to talk to you. Heh," Shuichi looked down on the floor as he kicked the concrete floor. Y/n looked at him with another sweet smile.
"I'm glad you want to hang out with me..." Y/n trailed off with a lighthearted tone, for some reason Shuichi blushed but he ignored it. 

Free time Event #1 with Y/n - Shuichi's POV
Everything you need to know about Y/n's likings:

046: Teddy Bear - love
002: Boba - love
021: Bondage boots - love
025: Autumn-Colored scarf - love
Reaction- "Wow, (Person who gave her this) I really appreciate it, I hope I can reciprocate what you gave me, even if it means doing what you want...~"/"That's so fetch, I guess I'll show you how much I like you too. I promise!"

Liking reaction: "Ooooh, you know what I like! You creep... Just kidding! I mean it when I say I love this, no joking," / "You have some good taste, (Person who gave her this). I suppose you're not that bad!" / "We're going to be best friends forever! If we manage to get out of this killing game," / "Wooooooooooooaah! Is this for me?! No way, I love you so much right now!"

Normal reaction: "Thanks so much! I really like this, it gives me butterflies when people give me things I like" / "I love your gift, thank youuu!"

Dislike: "Look what you got me here, thank you!" / "Oh, really? Thanks!"

Hate: "Oh... I mean, I do love gifts!" / "...(Person who gave her this), I know you gave me this gift so that I appreciate it... I'm so sorry that it's not my preference! I'm really sorry..." 


I hung out with Y/n for the first time, we had lots of fun. I gave her the Sukiyaki caramel that I got from the Monomono machine from earlier.
"Wooooooooooooaah! Is this for me?! No way, I love you so much right now!" Y/n spoke as she hugged me tightly, I could feel her chest which embarrassed me but I tried to pretend that I didn't feel anything. Lightly, I hugged her back. We shared a smile as she began to speak again. "I'm sooo bored, I might fricking die!" Y/n exclaimed, fanning herself continuously. "Hehe, just kidding. But seriously, I'm infected! I've got terminal boredom disease!" I deadpanned at her saying that.
"You're just kidding, right?" I asked, she just laughed it off as she looked at me suspiciously. 
"You know, Shuichi." She mumbled, I tilted my head in response to hear what she had to say to me. "Sometimes, aren't you confused about why you're here? Like, I am. That's probably what makes me distracted from boredom and stuff," Y/n flicked her hair with a sassy attitude as she chuckled. 
"Honestly... I never really thought about it after what happened in the first trial." I admitted. "But I wish we had some sort of clue why we got kidnapped... and everything that happened after," I said with a confident look on my face. She blinked once before replying. 
"I'm sure you'll find out the reason, whether it's interesting or not." She smirked. "Oh hey, who's the most intriguing person for you after the first trial?" She asked.

Four choices: Miu, Rantaro, Keebo, Korekiyo

"I think... Miu... Especially with all her vulgar language and sexual jokes," I muttered, Y/n nodded and continued to listen. "Miu could become... better?" I questioned myself when I said that but began to speak again anyway. "If she reduced the amount of swearing and the things she does..." I trailed off.
"I suppose, but Miu is pretty talented and pretty nice after you get to know her properly!" Y/n assured me. "I mean, this is subjective of me because I'm her friend. Y'know?" She asked. I shrugged in return. Y/n laughed it off and patted my shoulder. "Believe in her, trust me. She will be nice after you're nice first," Y/n said before we departed. I felt something warm in my heart.
Y/n is... pretty interesting.

"Rantaro, he probably knows something more than us but he refuses to speak," I admitted reluctantly. Rantaro is a great guy, sure, but he isn't opening up. Y/n smiled warmly like Kaede and opened her mouth to start talking.
"Shuichi...!" She said in a whiny tone, pinching both sides of my cheeks with her thumb and index. "You need to know that everyone has secrets they're hiding from each other! Even me and you," Y/n then let go of my face and sighed with a weak grin.
"I know but I feel like it would be more helpful if he talked about it..." I said, unintentionally, my voice was strained, making me sound annoyed. She rolled her eyes at me then held both of my shoulders. 
"Just wait and he'll open up when he needs too," Y/n smiled, making me blush. Something about her was... admirable and endearing... I felt my chest pound loudly as she let go of me. "Well, I gotta go, shall we?" She asked, I nodded as we departed.
I want to know more about Y/n...

"Keebo, he's a robot... Don't you think that's pretty interesting?" I asked, being slightly blunt and brutal. Y/n laughed, making me become flustered. 
"Keebo is really interesting, isn't he?" Y/n nudged me by the shoulder as heat rises up my face even more, what is this feeling? "But hey, you know about Miu and Keebo, something is going on about them," she wiggled her eyebrows, making me laugh slightly. We both exchanged smiles as she continued to speak. "You know, Saihara-chan," she muttered. I cocked my head. "Have you ever wondered why Keebo is very against robophobia or whatever he says?" Y/n asked.
"Actually... I never thought about it," I muttered under my breath, admitting without hesitation. 
"Well that's something we gotta figure out, am I right?? Well, talk to ya later!" Y/n waved as she ran off, I waved back as she disappeared from a distance. The warm feeling was back again, something about her, hooks me in...

"Korekiyo," me and Y/n said at the same time. Did she just read my mind?! I gasped quietly in shock as Y/n giggled, it was kind of cute- what am I thinking... "Hehe, jinx!" She teased, I laughed awkwardly then looked over to her. "Is it just me though... or does Korekiyo keep looking at girls?" She mumbled but loud enough for me to hear.
"Really? I never noticed," I itched my cheek awkwardly.
"Hmph, you're a detective you're supposed to know more than me!" Y/n pouted, I chuckled then she smiled warmly. It reminded me of Kaede as she went. "Well, goodie byeeie!" Y/n waved like a child as she started to walk away.
Why is she so cute...

3rd POV

Y/n was no longer talking to Shuichi anymore, as she encounters Rantaro and Kokichi walking together. She was pretty lonely so she chose to walk with them.
"Ohayo Amami and Ouma!" She exclaimed, Rantaro smiled warmly as Kokichi snickered. "What are you guys talking abooutt??" Y/n asked while tilting her head side to side.
"Nothing that important..." Rantaro chuckled as he itched his head.
"Neehehe! I guess that's true, or am I lying?" Kokichi snickered. Y/n rolled her eyes as the three began talking to each other, mostly about what happened at free times.

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