Chapter 6

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You wake up and scream at the top of your lungs, the scenery's color fills your vision like it's vomiting rainbow, oh look. You're back all the way to the beginning beginning. Well, this is going to be boring. Spending a few days only to restart from the whole beginning, only if there was a checkpoint. You wondered if Rantaro died or not. Oh well, it's too late. You died from your favorite character and hopefully, he managed to win that killing game. 

You seemed to realize that your outfit had changed already meaning that the prologue was over. You let out a loud sigh of relief as it washed over you, no need to act again. It was just so tiring. Re-introducing everyone while being traumatized that your favorite character had killed you just what feels like a few hours ago felt pretty awful. The tightening on Gonta's arm still felt fresh and remained on your neck. You had a hard time trying to get over it, after all, you did die in that parallel universe. And assumingly, you probably only have a certain amount of "lives" that limit your choices. No one and nothing gave you a clue about how many lives you have nor did the consequences you have. It's not as if there was a screen for you to see what your objectives are. You don't even know why you came here in the first place, you had a slight throbbing in the head, and BOOM! You just appeared in this fictional creation, experiencing gruesome deaths.

"Hey, Y/n. Are you alright?" Kirumi gave you a slight curtsy and then quickly stepped forward to get closer to you. "Yes, yes! I'm fine, just a bit tired from what they said. You know? The *killing game*" you said the last 2 words in a whisper to avoid making people feel worse. "I agree, how about we get you some tea?" Kirumi offered kindly, you had no choice but to accept her offer. She was just too nice for everyone, well, excluding the fact that she killed someone just because she thought her life had more "value" than others. Pure selfishness yet people acknowledged it as "humble" and "sacrificing".  But you let it slide, besides, this is your game now. 

"Hey, Kokichi?" You yelled across the room, hoping to get his attention. Especially to try to regain trust and avoid getting killed in his hands instead. "?" He slightly rotated his head in confusion, "What?" Kokichi gestured. "Can I hang out with you?" You asked although you avoided eye contact with him because of trauma. He narrowed his eyes but nodded and dragged you out of the room and onto the courtyard. This time, luckily, you hung out with him way earlier than before. Creating more "trust" beforehand.

--skipping the first free time events--

"So, we're friends... right?" You asked politely, he nodded and replied with a mischievous grin. Then quickly went to Shuichi who was talking to Kaede. "H-hey, what's up with you, Kokichi..." Shuichi looked at Kokichi with somewhat disgust in his eyes and shook his arm to get Kokichi off of him. "Oh, Kokichi. You're such a kid," Kaede laughed lightheartedly, finding it intriguing how Kokichi was nearly constantly near Shuichi.  Kokichi pouted at Shuichi then started laughing it off. You smiled at this moment then walked off to talk to Rantaro, again, trying to get allies beforehand. 

(Guys, I want to say beforehand that the things that repeat will usually be skipped because it's probably boring to read.)

Rantaro is the ultimate chill guy, he was the most calm guy you would ever meet. Rantaro had a beautiful rectangular necklace that almost seemed to look like a bottle, for some reason it just caught your attention. You joked around with him, trying to distract yourselves from the killing game announcements. 

"Guys, Gonta and Angie found manhole!" A exclaim was made around the courtyard. You felt your wrist yanked from Rantaro who casually dragged you to the place where everyone else was going. Everyone in the area stared at the manhole, feeling true hope and encouragement that there was a possible escape. "What are you doing? Hurry up and git rid of the lid!" You yelled, trying to make things more faster. Gonta picked up the manhole and flicked it like it was a piece of crumb, everyone else went down a ladder that was under the manhole lid. Kokichi hesitated to go in, rather looking around the surroundings to ensure safety before going in. 

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