Chapter 3

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You went down the ladder and jumped off after the ladder stopped, you looked behind and saw what you expected, traps and obstacles that led to the title that said "exit" on it. 

It was the death road of despair

Kaede gulped and looked at the obstacle for a while until she started to give an inspirational speech to try to reach the end. "Everyone, we can do this. It's our only escape from the horrid killing game, we'll never know if we'll get out if we never try. Let's go! Let our attempts begin," everyone nodded and started to charge at the pathway.

Kaede led the way for everyone, starting with avoiding the gas and fire, that one was easy as everyone made it through. Soon it was bombs and more bombs, many people started to get knocked out by this stage, and as soon as Kaede got knocked out, everyone started to have a harder time having the motivation to continue. Anyone who was knocked out ended up back in the beginning and was awaited by Kirumi who tried to heal others. You stayed behind, knowing it'd be a waste of time trying when we all could be finding a way to outsmart Monokuma or Tsumugi- the mastermind. 

"Nyeh, why aren't you helping?" Himiko asked with a bit of frustration. "Oh, I just don't see why we should do this." You answered, not bothering to talk to her. You realize that you're probably so suspicious that you're not participating so you join in reluctantly. It was a relief that you caught up with the others soon because a majority of the obstacles were destroyed by other people getting hit beforehand. "Hey, I didn't see you before, where were you?" Kaito pointed it out, and you chuckled nervously "I was dozing off, haha. My bad," Kaito believed it and he continued to go through the Death Road of Despair. Maki was good at this because she was an assassin. Tenko fell into the emptiness and fell back into the start again. All the people kept restarting until everyone just lay on the floor. 

Kaede looked around and sighed with defeat, "I... don't think this is really a way of escape anymore, we'll search for another way. How about we rest for tomorrow, I'm so sorry for causing trouble..." A tear slipped from her eye and rolled down her rosy cheeks. Shuichi quickly ran to comfort her alongside with Gonta and a few others.

You stared at the obstacle, paying no mind to what happened.

Not noticing how long you were blankly staring, Kirumi was waving her hand in front of your face. "I apologize, (Y/n). However, you have been staring for a while. Is there something you want to talk about?" She asked politely. You shook your head after coming back to this world "Oh no, I was thinking about something. Sorry if it worried you," you bowed slightly then quickly went along with other people who were climbing up the ladders. 

Everyone headed to their new "home". You opened the door to see a somewhat well designed room, fitting your preference. How do they know what I like? I'm from the outside world, maybe I'm just dreaming... lucid dreaming. Haha yeah! 

You locked the door and went for a quick shower. Later coming out of the shower with a towel wrapped around your body, you opened the closet only to see the same pair of clothes and nothing else. I mean that explains why the characters never wear anything else. You wore the identical clothes from your closet and jumped onto your bed "Ahhh... The bed is so soft just like-" You stopped talking, realizing that there's probably a camera watching you do everything. You went under the sheets and nearly started to fall asleep until you heard a knock. "Coming!"

You opened the door and saw Kaede, "Hey Y/n... Sorry for making you guys all suffer from all that nonsense earlier," She looked down at the floor, saddened. "Oh no, it's fine! I'm glad everyone is safe and sound, especially you. You're like hope for everyone!" You smiled, hoping to calm her down. She smiled back with a bit of tears in her eyes "Is it okay if I stayed with you for a while? I just need someone to stay with for the moment." You nodded and invited her to your dorm.

"Wow (Y/n), your room is so pretty and aesthetic, you have good taste!" Kaede complimented your room, you were a bit flustered and blushed "No big deal, Kaede... I bet your dorm is lovely as well." You replied. You both shared a chuckle and started talking about each others' talents and how they were unique.

"I'm still doubting Kokichi's statement about how he has over 10,000 members in his organization." Kaede laughed.

"Me too," you chuckled.


"Gonta is such a sweetheart isn't he?" You asked

"Oh yeah! Definitely," she agreed almost immediately.

--Time skip--

Time flew by and it was 4:00 a.m. Yet you and Kaede were so energetic, still joking around and talking- trying to distract yourselves from the killing game.

"That was a great long talk!" Kaede yawned as her eyes were almost shutting. "Mhm," you also yawned, about to sleep. The two of you ended up sleeping on your bed peacefully, so exhausted from all the things that happened yesterday.

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