Chapter 2

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A headache woke you up from the slumber with a bit of hesitance. "Oh, I guess my memories weren't removed or fabricated." You muttered to yourself while being back in the locker again. You kicked the locker's door and went out again. This time the throbbing abated a lot after experiencing it the second time, supposedly you got used to it. Quickly, you stood up and saw the Monokubs staring at you.

"Ah! What the hell are those?!" You screamed, acting like you forgot. "We are the Monokubs!" Mophanie's voice was way more high-pitched and annoying than you thought. You squinted, staring back at the 5 short robots. "I think the flashback light worked," Montaro whispered amongst the group. They all started whispering and then went away. You shrugged and went out of the classroom, only to see Shuichi and Kaede sitting together talking. They noticed you and Kaede went up to introduce herself.

"Hi! I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist." She offered a handshake, you eagerly shook her hand. "I'm (Y/n)," you smiled, a million thoughts went through your head; help me, I don't know my Ultimate. Is this real? AH! You continued to smile.

Kaede looked at you while you were kind of confused, "Your ultimate..." Kaede gestured. "Oh! I am... My memory is a bit foggy, I can tell you my ultimate later, I strongly believe I will remember. Just not now," you quickly thought of an excuse. "Oh, yes of course! Take your time," Kaede responded. Then she went back and grabbed Shuichi to introduce him. "This is Shuichi Saihara, the ultimate detective!" She talked with confidence. "It was just a coincidence..." Shuichi got flustered a bit and lowered his hat. I totally forgot that he was shy in the first part.

"Hi Shuichi, I'm sure you heard my conversation with Kaede." You sweat dropped then left them to find others, you waved and continued on your journey.

"Hi I'm Rantaro, I don't remember my Ultimate but trust me, I'm not a bad guy." He said and sweated a bit. "Oh, I also don't remember my Ultimate either. Perhaps we're similar, the names (Y/n)." You responded. "Haha, maybe. Well nice to meet you (Y/n)," He smiled a bit, "You too, Rantaro." You smiled again. Rantaro really is nice, unfortunate that he dies first. Maybe I can switch it up a bit.

You walked by and saw Gonta grabbing Kokichi from touching Keebo while he was screaming at Kokichi for making robophobic remarks. "Hey...! I'm (Y/n)," all the attention turned to you. Gonta dropped Kokichi who fell onto the floor. "Gonta's name is Gonta! Gonta is the ultimate Entomologist." Gonta spoke in the third person. "Ow! It's rude to drop people onto the floor!" Kokichi pouted at him, "It's rude to also make robophobic statements!" Keebo shouted back. "Sorry, for the trouble. I'm Keebo, the ultimate Robot!" He said. "I'm Kokichi Ouma, I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader. I am the leader of a secret organization with over 10,000 members." Kokichi smirked at you "That could be a lie though, after all, I'm a liar," he put his index finger near his lips. "Okay, well, bye." You waved but Keebo grabbed your wrist, "What's your ultimate?" I don't exactly remember yet, I'll tell you when I do though." You said and quickly left.

They all looked at each other in confusion but shrugged it off later as they continued to fuss.

After a while, you met with everyone. (I can't be bothered, I'm sorry!)

Ding dong, Bing bong.

Ugh, stupid announcement. I'll never get used to that annoying alarm noise.

"Thank you for bearing with us, please go to the gym as soon as possible." Then the announcement shut off immediately.

You were already at the gym since you were going around everywhere trying to get an idea of the area. Soon after everyone came to the gym as well. "I guess this is all of us, 17," Rantaro shrugged and waited with the others to see what happens.

Crap, I really need to think about what Ultimate I have before Kaede asks-

"(Y/n)! Have you figured out your Ultimate yet?" Kaede ran to you, you sighed mentally, cursing that you jinxed yourself. "I'm erm..." You quickly thought for a moment. "Hey! You don't need to answer, I understand if you still can't remember!" Kaede comforted you, "No no, I know it but I just can't remember the word...! Ugh, what was it?" You acted like you forgot. "You can do it, (N/n)!" Kaito cheered on. "(N/n)?" You asked, confused. "Yeah, that's your nickname now!" He chuckled while putting his hands behind his neck.

"That's right! I'm the Ultimate Genius," you thought of one. You weren't lying, though. You knew everything that will happen in this fictional world. It also sounded cool to you so now you're the Ultimate Genius.

"Ultimate Genius? Hah, what a joke!" Miu laughed out loud. Her eyes avoided your face, it was a bit obvious she was jealous that her Ultimate was the inventor instead of being a genius. "Shut up you bitchlet." Kokichi said without hesitance. "Heeeeeeh?! B-bitchlet?" Miu sulked quietly as she started to panic a bit.

"Thank you for bearing with us!" Monokuma appeared on the stage. Everyone went quiet and stared at the bear. "Puhuhu," he shrieked. "Well, welcome to Hope's Peak's Academy! I am Monokuma, the headmaster. You guys are in a killing game." Monokuma went straight to the topic. "K-k-killing game?!" Kaede jumped and shivered, "YES. YOU-ARE-CORRECT." Monotam said, he sounded so robotic. "K-I-L-L-I-N-G G-A-M-E," He repeated. "You're joking," Kaito refused to get in. "Nope! This is definitely real," Monokuma said and looked around.

"We provided you guys dorms, food, water, everything you need but you guys need to kill each other, regardless of how. There are two ways of ending this killing game; the game continues until there's only two people left... or the culprit doesn't get caught guilty. Then they graduate instantly and everyone else dies." He continued.

"Also, there's a monopad for you guys when a murder takes place. It helps you with the investigation or maybe not, depending on how you use it. However, it will not reveal the murderer. Well, that's about it, bear well." Then Monokuma walked off.

"Well that was something," you thought and shrugged, neutral about this situation. Everyone was either crying or panicking.

"It's okay everyone! We'll get out of here... hopefully." Kaede said the last word reluctantly as everyone looked at Kaede. "We'll find a way out of here." She tried to encourage everyone. They all nodded and started to split up to find an escape or way to leave.

--Time skip--

Gonta and Angie found out about the manhole and quickly grabbed everyone to meet up at the place. "Perhaps this is an escape, nyahahaha!" Angie stood proud that she found the "exit". Gonta grabbed the manhole with his two fingers, almost like it was nothing "Where Gonta put this?" He asked, "Just throw it, whatever," Maki said. "But Gonta no want littering!" "It's not littering, just put it somewhere." You replied. Gonta looked at the manhole and threw it lightly.

"I think this will lead to the exit! Good job Angie and Gonta," Kaede said excitedly, believing that this was the escape. Kaede first went down the ladder then Shuichi... then everyone went down until it was just you and Rantaro.

"Do you think that's the exit?" Rantaro asked. You shook your head and started speaking "I highly doubt it, why would Monokuma make the escape so easy to find? Wouldn't it defeat his whole purpose in making this killing game, I think it's a trap." He nodded in agreement, "Well, we'll see after going down." He shrugged and started climbing down the ladder. Lastly, you also went down into the manhole.

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