Chapter 4

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Ding dong, Bing bong.

"Time to shine, ursine! It is 8:00 a.m., this is the morning announcement." Monophanie said then the mini tv was shut off.

You grunted, barely managing to get off the bed and take a morning shower. Gee, what a day. You chose to stay in your room alone, having time to think by yourself about what to do and what kind of things you'll change. It wasn't soon after that you didn't know how many lives you had, whether it was just one infinite or limited. 

Wait, but if this is my only life- what happens in the real world? What if I die, I mean, I am from the real world after all. You started to think more and questioned whether this is an actual game or just a universe where this is the reality.

It doesn't matter, besides, I'm the real master of this game. Especially when even Tsumugi is fictional. I can change the plot as much as I want and it won't even matter because they think I'm a character and these are bound to happen. You gave a terrifying smirk and started to laugh like a maniac. It felt so great that you had absolute power in this fictional game, it was something that you thought would never happen. You stared at the camera from the room with no emotions whatsoever. You knew that Monokuma was probably watching you, you smirked again at the camera and then walked out.

3rd POV

Monokuma was casually in his room watching everyone like he always was until he noticed something quite frightening, (Y/n) was staring at the camera. It reminded him of someone, someone who reacted nearly the same as her when they figured out that they were being watched. Monokuma tried to just get over it, trying to lie to himself that it was a simple coincidence that she was staring at the camera. After sweating for a while, he went back to watching everyone, to see that (Y/n) was at the dining hall with everyone else. "Yes! It was just a coincidence," Monokuma assured himself.

Back to 2nd POV

You went to Kirumi, "Hello, (Y/n). What can I make you?" She asked formally as always. "I'll have pancakes, thanks," you smiled. Kirumi smiled and bowed then went to start making your breakfast. "Hey (Y/n)," someone said behind you. "Thanks for letting me stay in your dorm for the night. It was fun talking!" Kaede bloomed with happiness, making the whole room lighten up. You couldn't help but stare at her in awe, heating up a bit from how pretty she was, you didn't expect it because you never thought of her as much compared to the other two characters you adored most. "Yeah! No problem," you chuckled lightheartedly, and a hint of blush made its way up your face helplessly. 

Shuichi called Kaede's name and gestured for her to come with him to do something, which you're assuming is their plan to escape here, again.

You remembered about Rantaro and looked around for a second. You quickly spotted him around a table, eating a sandwich. Kirumi gave you your pancakes and you went to Rantaro to sit next to him. 

"Oh hey, (Y/n)!" Rantaro gave you a small smile, you smiled back and started talking "How was your morning today?" "Not so bad, considering that we just went through something huge yesterday," he laughed a bit and asked a question "What brings you here, though? I'm sure no one would want to talk to a guy who doesn't remember his ultimate." Rantaro itched his neck awkwardly with an obvious curiosity in his tone. "I just wanted to be your company for a bit," you pat his shoulder, "You seemed lonely," "Oh, no! I don't mind." Rantaro assured you with a smile. 

Monokuma suddenly appeared out of nowhere and ruined the whole mood, "Oh hey students, I am here to give you a motive-" An exisal obliterated Monokuma, making parts of his body torn off a bit. People stared in shock or confusion, not knowing how to react to the host of this killing game dead. The Monokubs ran to the lifeless robot and started crying somehow, "Papa?" "Daddy!" "Dad..." They all mourned about his death. Quickly grabbing his remnants to mourn privately as the exisal that killed the freaky robot vanished, nobody noticed because they were fixated on what just happened. 

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