1 - Lovabowl

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Ginni and Murphy have made their way down to AAMI park for training. They enter the locker rooms and are greeted by a few of the boys. They're all putting on their gear and head outside to join the coaches. 

The sun beams down on the field as they gather around Craig, eager to improve their skills. Jack's quick wit always keeps his teammates entertained during these gruelling sessions.

As they begin their warm-up drills, Jack can't help but lighten the mood. "Gin, what are you doing bro?" Issac laughs. Jack's twirling in circles and dancing around his teammates, making them all burst into laughter, including Craig.

The banter continues throughout the training session, lifting everyone's spirits. Jack's wit brings laughter which helps his teammates relax and enjoy the hard work they're putting in.


Jack's pov:

"Who's coming to Lovabowl?" Issac asks.

"I will."

"Yeah me too."

"Sounds good."

Issac, Murph, Jamie, Beau, and I all head out for an early lunch. The five of us sit down and chat about the round.

"I reckon we'll kill em," Beau says.

"Yeah if we start off good, we should get the win," Issac adds.

"Mmm who's kicking the first goal?" I question grinning.

"You for sure," Murph smiles to Jamie.

"Nah it'll be Checkers," Jamie assures.

"What about me?" I ask pouting my face.

"Nah definitely not you," Beau jokes and we all laugh.

We continue talking about the upcoming game on Friday night. Half way through the year, Collingwood verse Carlton. I think we've got this in the bag.

We finished our acai bowls and are heading out the door when I see Christijana. 

"Yana," I call out and she turns to face me. She smiles when she recognises me.

"Jack!" She comes over from her friends to hug me. "I though you had training?"

"Yeah we're finished so we came here for a snack."

"Oh fair enough, are you free later?"

"Yeah I'll text you," I say.

"Ok cool talk soon," she waves at the boys and walks back to her table.

I turn around to see them teasing me.


"This kid is actually blind," Issac shakes his head.

"Tell me about it," Murph sighs.

I just look in confusion but they don't say anything else about it. 

Murph and I arrive home and I ask him what he meant before. He tells me to not worry about it but I want to know so bad. 

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now