14 - Hot springs

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Jack's pov:

"Me and Trent are going to the hot springs tomorrow. For recovery and stuff, anyway, do you wanna come? Amelia can join us too."

"That sounds relaxing but I have to study."

"Oh, c'mon, you can't study any other time?"

"...Okay, I'll come." Yana smiles.

We talk for a few more minutes before I start feeling antsy.

"Hey, I uh kinda have to tell you something. Well, I don't have to tell you but I think I should. So..., I- Yana?"

I notice she's dozing off in my bed. I don't want to tell her how I feel while she's half-awake. Maybe it's a sign; I shouldn't tell her so soon.

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Christijana's pov:

"Hello!" I hug Amelia.

"Hi gorg, you look stunning!"

"All you darling. Trent! How are you?" I hug him too.

"I'm good, I'm good, and you?"

"Very well, thanks," I smile and we all hop into Trent's car.

We talk the whole way to the hot springs and arrive after 30 minutes of driving. Unloading the car, we make our way to the reception.

"Hi, we're under the reservation of Trent."

"Last name?"


"It says you have two people available for today," the receptionist explains, confused.

"Yeah, these two have tagged along last minute, is that alright?" Trent innocently asks.

"Usually no..., but I'm a huge fan so I'll let you sneak in the extras for free."

"Are you serious? Thank you so much! The least we could do is pay for it." I smile brightly.

"No, no, I insist!"

"Don't be ridiculous," Jack adds, placing $200 on the desk. We all head out and thank the kind man once again.

We dive into the first pool, feeling a great sensation of warmth. I look at Jack, whose eyes are closed and head rests against the edge. He's so adorable; god, I wish I could just lie in his arms.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now