12 - Beach

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Jack's pov:

"I still feel bad, though!" I argue with Yana.

"You didn't even do anything, though," she replies.

"Just let me do this."


I honestly feel guilty that I kissed Emma, and Yana doesn't know. She just thinks I feel bad about that whole call about me leaving the party myself. I don't know why I did that, I should've just avoided it like Yana did with Tom. But I shouldn't even feel guilty, right? I mean, we aren't even dating, but somehow I feel like I crossed a huge boundary. And that's why I've planned this day out.

"Where are we?"

"You'll know soon," I say, pulling up at the place. We get out of the car, and she immediately realises where we are.

"Oh my god, Jack! I haven't been here in ages," Yana expresses, running over to the tennis courts. I feel proud that I thought of this place; she seems so excited.

We play for a while before the weather begins to overheat us both.

"C'mon we're headed over there," I point to the beach across the street. She just smiles and leans more into my shoulder. We start walking over as we overview our tennis session.

"No but the way you kept trying to gaslight me into thinking you kept it in the square," Yana sasses.

"I did! And says you, the amount of outs you got and I just ignored them."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Race?"


"3, 2-, hey! You cheat!" I yell as Yana starts early. I overtake her and flop into the water. She does the same. We swim to the deep ocean, where I spot a stingray.


Christijana's pov:

Jack and I try to swim to the bottom and see who picks up the most sand. I notice a big patch of seaweed next to me, but it starts to move closer to me. I glance over properly and realise it's a massive stingray. I jump up to the surface in fright.

"What? Yana?" Jack yells as I quickly swim over to him. I jump into his arms, breathing heavily.

"Did you see that stingray?"

"Yeah, it was huge," Jack answers while squeezing me tight; I feel safe. "It won't harm you, it just wants to say hi." I smile at his comment. I like when he says things to comfort me, even if they sound stupid.

We head back to the shore and see a few people around our age playing volleyball. Jack sees an opportunity to save the ball so he joins in. I go on the opposing team and play until the ball falls.

"Hey, Jack this is Yana," Jack introduces us as I wave.

"Connor, that's Lachie, Stella and Tash," Connor introduces. We all continue playing and get along really well. 

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now